I can’t speak about Ableton, but Reaper (or at least the version I tested a few years ago) could only send OSC messages at 20Hz, leading to noticeable latency. MIDI was near instantaneous.
Receiving both in SuperCollider is documented in the help browser, see OSCdef and MIDIdef.
I can’t speak about Ableton, but Reaper (or at least the version I tested a few years ago) could only send OSC messages at 20Hz, leading to noticeable latency. MIDI was near instantaneous.
Reaper has a settable “Control surface display update frequency” in its
preferences, which looks as if it would also apply to OSC.
I’ve used the LiveGrabber Max 4 Live devices a lot for OSC communication to and from SC/Live. It’s overkill for your application if you only need to send one trigger once, but I might be useful in the future. A simple M4L device with udpsend as @Eric_Sluyter said will do it.
here’s a basic OSC example using max for live on a midi channel, every time it gets a note on message it will send a ['/scene', n] message where n is the note number.