is there any way I can associate the outputs of existing buses with another bus? For the above example it would mean sending ~convolve_B to drums – this would be great, so then I don’t have to go through and add the relevant recording outs to every pattern in the project. Thanks!
You can use a synth to copy the signal. That is, synths handle all signal processing. Copying a signal from one bus to another is signal processing, so it should be done with a synth.
I use groups to manage order.
The instrument (channel) has a main group.
Head of that group is a group for audio source synths.
Following that is a group for fx insert synths.
If I need any pre-fader synths (read from the channel’s bus, volume scale per send level, output to the send target bus), they go here, right after fx.
Then I have a fader synth that does similar volume scaling, and writes to the channel’s target bus (and also ReplaceOut back to the same bus).
If I need any post-fader sends, they go here.
This isn’t overkill – it’s a design that’s ready to handle just about every signal routing need you’ll ever have. (It’s packaged into the ddwMixerChannel quark, but you can also make it yourself out of groups and buses.)