ddwChucklib-livecode v0.4.1 released

In my semester-break rush of tidying things up, I’m pushing out a point release of my live coding framework.


(Actually “ddwChucklib-livecode” is the name of the framework itself, but if you install ddwLivecodeInstruments, it will install the framework as a dependency – one step instead of two.)

The last tag release was October 2016. It’s a lot more stable and usable now. Also, I spent a lot of time in the last couple of weeks updating and expanding the documentation.

PDF manual: https://github.com/jamshark70/ddwChucklib-livecode/raw/v0.4.1/cl-manual.pdf

Hope somebody enjoys it or finds it useful.


Example jam:


TempoClock.tempo = 128/60;
Mode(\dmixo) => Mode(\default);

/fmm = " 3.|   7~|5 0~8|4.";

/bs = "\ins("1>", "*", 16, 0.25)::\seq(, "1.")";

// normally I use a GUI to tweak instrument controls
// this is just for a text-only demo
VC(\pbs).globalControls[\ffreq].watch.automate { LFDNoise3.kr(1.2).exprange(150, 2000) };
VC(\pbs).globalControls[\rq].value = 0.4;

/dk = "oooo";

/shh = "\ins(" - - - -", ".", 6..10, 0.25)";

/clp = "|-||   -";

/psn = " -|||-";

VC(\fmm).globalControls[\preamp].value = 8;
VC(\fmm).globalControls[\index].value = 8;

/dk = "\fork("oooo", "   \ins(, "_", 1, 1)|||")";

/fmm = "\ins(" 3.|   7~|5 0~8|4.", "*", 4..8, 0.25)::\shuf(, "0'.9'.8'.7'.6'.5'.4'.")";

/bs = "\ins("1>", "*", 16, 0.25)::\seq(, "1.")::\artic(, "_.....", "*")";

/ch = "\ins(, "*", 6..10, 0.25)::\seq(, "7")::\artic(, "_..", "*")";

/ch = "\ins(, "*", 6..10, 0.25)::\seq(, "777778")::\artic(, "_..", "*")";

VC(\pl).globalControls[\ffreq].watch.automate { LFDNoise3.kr(1.6743654).exprange(2000, 12000) };
VC(\pl).globalControls[\gain].value = 3.2;
