Decay init bug?


just encountered this strange behaviour with Decay, it differs from previous SC versions:

{, 0.5) }.plot(2)

In SC 3.13.0 on OS 10.15.7 I get this plot:

In 3.12.2, it still worked as expected:

perhaps fixed here? Decay, Decay2: fix UGen initialization by mtmccrea · Pull Request #6194 · supercollider/supercollider · GitHub

Ah ok, thanks! I checked the SC issue tracker and didn’t find a topic there.

BTW, in cases like that, should we file it on the issue tracker anyway ?
I’m fine with avoiding unnecessary communication noise but it could clarify for others encountering this – especially as the bug is still contained in the most recent official release.

BTW, in cases like that, should we file it on the issue tracker anyway ?

There already is an issue (Decay and Decay2 initial sample is double what's expected · Issue #6143 · supercollider/supercollider · GitHub), but it has been closed already, likely because the PR has been merged.

IMO we shouldn’t close issues immediately when the corresponding fix is merged to develop, for the very reason you have pointed out.

In Pd we solve this by labeling such issues as “pending” and only close them when the commits have made it into a release.

I’ve just opened an issue on GitHub :slight_smile:


Thanks Christof !

… and some chars