Decprecated methods in OpenObject Quark

I am using the OpenObject Quark but I now get the following warnings when starting it. Anyone know if there will be an updated version?

WARNING: Called from Meta_OpenObject:addResponder, method Meta_OSCresponder:new is deprecated and will be removed. Use Meta_OSCFunc:new instead.

WARNING: Called from OSCresponderNode:add, method Meta_OSCresponder:new is deprecated and will be removed. Use Meta_OSCFunc:new instead.

WARNING: Called from Meta_OpenObject:addResponder, method Meta_OSCresponder:new is deprecated and will be removed. Use Meta_OSCFunc:new instead.

WARNING: Called from OSCresponderNode:add, method Meta_OSCresponder:new is deprecated and will be removed. Use Meta_OSCFunc:new instead.

Those deprecations happened quite a long time ago, so it seems unlikely that anyone is intending to update the quark. The deprecations are not harmful for the time being - I don’t think there’s an immediate plan to remove OSCresponder - but it doesn’t bode well for the long-term stability of the Quark (and thus your own code, if you use it). You might contact the Quark’s author, or consider updating the quark yourself - check the documentation, switching from OSCresponder to OSCFunc is extremely easy, it’s likely only an afternoon of work to fix all the usages in OpenObject.