Bruno writes on page 98 of his excellent "gentle introduction to
“If not using a sustained envelope, make sure your SynthDef
includes a doneAction:2 in an appropriate UGen, in order to
automatically free synth nodes in the server.”
which now makes me wonder if this is only valid for sustained envelopes?
I was under the impression that both, sustained and fixed-duration
envelopes require a doneAction:2 to free the synth node?
I think the word “sustained” can be removed here. I guess the point of this passage is that you don’t need doneAction in an EnvGen if you are using doneAction in some other UGen (Line / XLine, DetectSilence or such) but that something should be responsible for ending the synth.
EnvGen with doneAction 0 will not magically free the synth for non-gated envelopes – does need to be 2.