Dont work Additive synhtesis

SynthDef("a", {
	arg ratio=1, base, full_count, amp, tilt=(-3);
	base = base*ratio;
	full_count = 1/full_count; // sum of osc must be 1 
	amp = (log2(ratio) * tilt).dbamp*amp;   
	Out(0, {amp*})
var func; 
func = {
	|harmonics, even_uneven_ratio, freq, tilt|
	var a = Array.fill(harmonics, {
		if(i.odd,{ even_uneven_ratio },{ even_uneven_ratio = 1});
		Synth("a", [
			base: freq, 
			full_count: harmonics,
			amp: even_uneven_ratio
func.value(64, 0.5, 440, -3)

I eval SynthDef then func, but it dont output any sound

simple .ar in out synthdef : -b

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