I work pretty heavily with Env’s passed as synth arguments - often I’ll just stick an envelope on every parameter I’d ever want to modulate, and then build a Pattern infrastructure to actually send the envelopes I want.
Because it’s come up recently on the forum, and because I think it’s super powerful - I spent an hour and came up with a pretty basic but complete distillation of how to use Env’s in a Pattern context, dynamically building them from simpler parameters to enable all kinds of nice warp-y behavior.
I think basically scrubbed any weird external dependencies and personal classes from this, so it should work out of the box. Though I’m not using it extensively here, the Env fixup step in \finish will convert scalar arguments to Envs, and can handle chords as well. I won’t go through it in depth, but please ask questions if you’re wondering about pieces of it - I hope it’s useful to learn, or at least mess around with for a bit!
SynthDef(\wave, {
var sig, freq, lpf, amp, dist, gate, baseEnv, sustain, feed;
baseEnv = { |default| Env(default ! 6, [1, 0, 0, 0, 0]).asArray };
sustain = \sustain.kr(1);
gate = \gate.kr(1);
dist = \dist.kr(0.5);
freq = \freq.kr(100);
freq = freq + EnvGen.kr(\freqMod.kr(baseEnv.(0)), gate:gate);
freq = freq + SinOsc.ar(freq*4).range(-25, 25);
lpf = \lpf.kr(baseEnv.(600));
lpf = EnvGen.kr(lpf, timeScale:sustain, gate:gate).min(20000);
amp = \ampEnv.kr(baseEnv.(1));
amp = \amp.kr(1) * EnvGen.kr(amp, timeScale: sustain, doneAction:2, gate:gate);
feed = LocalIn.ar(2);
feed = Rotate2.ar(feed[0], feed[1], SinOsc.kr(1/10).range(-1, 1), Rand(0, 2));
feed = FreqShift.ar(feed, [0.1, -0.1]) * 0.2;
feed = LeakDC.ar(feed).tanh;
sig = LFPulse.ar(
freq * [1, 1.01, 1.002, 2, 4],
{Rand(0, 0.5)} ! 3,
amp.linlin(0, 1, 0.9, 0.2)
sig = Splay.ar(sig.scramble);
sig = LeakDC.ar(sig);
sig = sig + feed;
sig = LPF.ar(sig, lpf);
sig = CombC.ar(
{ SinOsc.ar(1/Rand(20, 30), Rand(0, 0.5)).range(0, 1/100) } ! 4,
sig = Splay.ar(sig);
sig = sig.blend(
(sig * dist * amp).tanh,
dist.clip(0, 1)
sig = sig * amp;
Out.ar(\out.kr, sig);
Event.addParentType(\wave, (
instrument: \wave,
freqMod: 0,
lpfEnv: 200,
ampEnv: Env.perc,
// Fix up all of our env arguments when we're about to play our event
finish: {
var envParams = [\freqMod, \lpf, \ampEnv];
envParams.do {
var value = currentEnvironment[param];
if (value.isArray.not) { value = [value] };
value = value.collect {
if (v.isRest) {
v; // pass rests along...
} {
if (v.isKindOf(Env).not) {
v = Env([v, v], [1]) // a continuous, fixed value envelope
v.duration = 1.0; // fixed duration, we re-scale via timeScale in our synth
currentEnvironment[param] = value;
Pdef(\wave, Pbind(
\type, \wave,
\dur, 1/4,
\timingOffset, Pfunc({
if ((thisThread.beats % 0.5) >= 0.25)
} {
\strum, 0.05,
\scale, Scale.chromatic,
\octave, Pseq([
Pseq([3], 32),
Pseq([3, 5], 32),
Pseq([3], 32),
Pseq([3, 6], 16),
Pseq([3, 4], 16),
], inf),
\degree, Pseq([
Prand([0, 2], 16),
Prand([0, 3, 8], 16),
Prand([0, 2], 16),
Prand([-4, 3, 7], 16),
], inf),
\degree, (
+ Pif(
Pfunc({ rrand(0.0, 1.0) < (1/18) }),
\dist, Pwrand([0.2, 0.6, 2, 5], [10, 5, 3, 1].normalizeSum, inf),
\lpfBase, Pseg([2400, 13000, 2400], [32, 32], \exp, inf),
\lpfSkew, { exprand(0, 5) },
\lpfAttack, { rrand(0.0, 1.0) },
\lpf, {
[~lpfBase, ~lpfBase * (1 + ~lpfSkew)],
[~lpfAttack, 1 - ~lpfAttack] // remember, this gets reset to dur=1 later anyway
\freqModAmt, Pwrand([0, 5, 90], [10, 2, 1].normalizeSum, inf),
\freqModAmt, Pseg([0, 1, 0], [32, 32], [4, -6]).repeat * Pkey(\freqModAmt),
\freqMod, Pfunc({
Env([0, [-1, 1].choose * e.freqModAmt], [1], -8)
\longAttack, Pwnrand([0.01, 1], [10, 1].normalizeSum, inf),
\legato, Pfunc({ |e| e.use { ( ~longAttack < 0.5).if(6, 1) } }),
\ampEnv, Pfunc({
e.use { Env.perc(attackTime:~longAttack, releaseTime:1 - ~longAttack, curve:-2) }