ERROR: Primitive '_NetAddr_SendMsg' failed

Hi to all.

I’m a very beginner with SC and at the beginning I’ve this problem.
When I try to run the server I’ve this error: ERROR: Primitive ‘_NetAddr_SendMsg’ failed. Below all the messages in the post window:

Booting server ‘localhost’ on address
ERROR: Primitive ‘_NetAddr_SendMsg’ failed.
caught exception ‘send_to: Can’t assign requested address’ in primitive in method NetAddr:sendMsg
Instance of NetAddr { (0x1208d3538, gc=CC, fmt=00, flg=00, set=02)
instance variables [4]
addr : Integer 2130706433
port : Integer 57110
hostname : “”
socket : nil

Meta_MethodError:new 0x121a50a40
arg this = PrimitiveFailedError
arg what = caught exception ‘send_to: Can’t assign requested address’ in primitive in method NetAddr:sendMsg
arg receiver = a NetAddr(, 57110)
Meta_PrimitiveFailedError:new 0x121b16040
arg this = PrimitiveFailedError
arg receiver = a NetAddr(, 57110)
Object:primitiveFailed 0x11f95cbc0
arg this = a NetAddr(, 57110)
NetAddr:sendStatusMsg 0x1202a83c0
arg this = a NetAddr(, 57110)
Server:sendStatusMsg 0x120717540
arg this = localhost
a FunctionDef 0x1206dec40
sourceCode = “”
Routine:prStart 0x11d605580
arg this = a Routine
arg inval = 5.889225174

arg this =
< closed FunctionDef >
arg error =
arg this = 0
arg endval = 0
arg stepval = 2
arg function =
var i = 0
var j = 0
arg this = [*2]
arg function =
arg this =
arg newSeconds = 5.889684052
arg this =
var saveClock =
arg this =
^^ The preceding error dump is for ERROR: Primitive ‘_NetAddr_SendMsg’ failed.
caught exception ‘send_to: Can’t assign requested address’ in primitive in method NetAddr:sendMsg
RECEIVER: a NetAddr(, 57110)

Number of Devices: 4
0 : “Built-in Microph”
1 : “Built-in Output”
2 : “Soundflower (2ch)”
3 : “Soundflower (64ch)”

“Built-in Microph” Input Device
Streams: 1
0 channels 2

“Built-in Output” Output Device
Streams: 1
0 channels 2

SC_AudioDriver: sample rate = 44100.000000, driver’s block size = 512
Exception in World_OpenUDP: bind: Can’t assign requested address
Server ‘localhost’ exited with exit code 1.

I’ve tried to kill all server, do a downgrade of SC from 3.11 to 3.10.4, close all the programs, invoke gods, but nothing. I’m going crazy and I don’t understand why I’m getting this error. I’ve asked to my friend who use a lot SC and for him it looks like I’ve some problem with OSC, but searching I didn’t find nothing about it.

Can someone help me?

Ah, I’m on osx 10.14.6.

Thanks to all


Hmm… so, some process on the machine is using that port.

I see that you’ve killed all servers, but perhaps a/ that failed for some reason, or b/ maybe it’s a process totally unrelated to SC (in which case, “Kill all servers” wouldn’t affect it).

For a/, check the system monitor for any leftover scsynth processes (or maybe supernova) and kill them by hand.

For b/, a quick search turned up lsof -i:57110 as a system command (use Terminal) to list processes using that port.

EDIT: One other thought – check that the 3 SC executables (scide, sclang, scsynth) are granted network permissions. If they don’t have network permission, that would explain why both sclang and scsynth failed in the network layer. The scsynth error is common but the sclang error is highly unusual – making me think, maybe the OS is rejecting both processes’ attempts to open a port.

I’m not a Mac user so I’m not sure where to check that or how to solve it – but this does strike me as a plausible explanation (especially if the behavior persists after a reboot).
