FatBass electronic song

My first attempt in creating something aggressive.
I came up with with this fat bass which I am very proud of.

SynthDef(\bassline4, {
	out=0, freq=440, pan=0.0, amp=1.0,
	atk=0.05, rls=0.2,
	sub=0.0, subwidth=0.5,
	sync=0.0, // this is a sync ratio going from 0.0 (no effect) to 60 semitones (5 octave above)
	voices = 1,
	cf = 1000,
	rq = 0.1
	var env, sig, spread;
	env = EnvGen.ar(Env.perc(atk, rls), 1, doneAction:2);
	voices = voices.clip(1, 16);

	sig = Array.fill(16, {
		var onoff = (voices.round(1) > index);  // the ">" here will return 1 or 0 depending on voices
		onoff * SyncSaw.ar(freq *Rand(1.0, det.midiratio), freq*(sync.midiratio));
	sig = sig + Pulse.ar(freq*0.5, subwidth, mul:sub);
	spread = (voices-1)/15;

	sig = sig * env * voices.linexp(1, 16, 1.0, 0.3) * amp;

	sig = RLPF.ar(sig, cf, rq);

	sig = LeakDC.ar( sig.clip() );
	Out.ar(out, Splay.ar(sig, spread));

Also I would like to thank @scztt for helping me in understanding how to create an array of signal inside a SynthDef!

You can listen to it at this link.
Let me know and thank you so much for any suggestions.


That’s a nice synth, thanks for sharing. I have a gig at the weekend, I might use it!

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Thank you @tedthetrumpet!
let me know :slight_smile: