Maybe this is not the right place to ask for this question, and it should rather be on faust forum… but just in case someone knows or has found this error. I am trying to make my first steps with Faust, and trying to compile Ugens from Faust code. I made my first attempt with a very simple Faust code, and using the faust2sc tool that comes with the Faust standard repository. But i get this error:
Now i just need to figure out how to properly make it work in supercollider! it is ok with the simpleSin example, but more complex things (trying with the fluteStk.dsp example) dont seem to work magically and might need some attention…
Thanks Sam! tried with no luck, though… i’ll keep you all posted about my findings. Basically what i want to do is port some of the physical modelling tools in faust as ugens, but still failing… but no rush, i’m patient