Hey I have a solution for this that I have used for while with flucoma, it’s kind of complex but allows you to sort the slices by any of the flucoma measures.
~clearAnalysisDict = {|dict|
dict.keysValuesDo{ |key, value|
dict = ();
~getSlices = {|file, dict, threshold|
dict.put(\filepath, file);
dict.put(\file, Buffer.readChannel(s, file, channels: [0]));
dict.put(\indices, Buffer(s));
//nrt onset slice of source
FluidBufOnsetSlice.processBlocking(s, dict.at(\file), metric: 9, threshold: threshold, indices: dict.at(\indices), action: {"found slices".postln});
~sortSlices = {|measure=\centroid, dict|
var indices = dict.at(\indices);
var file = dict.at(\file);
var spec, stats, meanfeatures;
//get and set new analysis buffers
dict.put(\spec, Buffer(s));
dict.put(\stats, Buffer(s));
dict.put(\meanfeatures, Buffer(s));
spec = dict.at(\spec);
stats = dict.at(\stats);
meanfeatures = dict.at(\meanfeatures);
indices.loadToFloatArray(action: {
arg fa;
//iterate through adjacent pairs of indices (tuple like)
arg start, end, i;
var numSamps = end - start;
// i.postln;
//compute spectral features per fft frame (w selected feature)
FluidBufSpectralShape.processBlocking(s, file, start, numSamps, features: spec, select:[measure]);
//buf stats channels: mean std skew kurtosis min median max
FluidBufStats.processBlocking(s, spec, stats: stats, select:[\mean]);
FluidBufCompose.processBlocking(s, stats, destination: meanfeatures, destStartFrame: i);
//get indices
dict.put(\onsetArr, fa);
dict.put(\size, fa.size);
//get INDICES of sorted features
meanfeatures.loadToFloatArray(action: { arg fa; dict.put(\sortedIndices, fa.order) });
"done analysis".postln;
~analyzeSlices = {|file, dict, thresh, metric|
~getSlices.(file, dict, thresh);
~sortSlices.(metric, dict);
~getSlice = {|slice, dict|
var sortedIndices = dict.at(\sortedIndices);
var onsets = dict.at(\onsetArr);
var startIdx = sortedIndices.wrapAt(slice);
var endIdx = startIdx + 1;
var startOnset = onsets.at(startIdx);
var endOnset = onsets.at(endIdx);
[startOnset, endOnset];
~pGetSlice = {|generator, dict|
Pcollect ({ |i| ~getSlice.(i, dict).asRef; }, generator);
SynthDef(\segPlayer, {|buf, slice = #[0, 1], oneshot=1|
var bufFrames, sampsDur, offset, startsamp, endsamp, numChans, sig, pan, panned, env, posRate, line, phasor, phase;
bufFrames = BufFrames.ir(buf);
numChans = buf.numChannels;
offset = \offset.kr(0);
startsamp = slice[0] + offset;
endsamp = slice[1] + offset;
sampsDur = endsamp - startsamp;
posRate = \posRate.kr(1);
//select looped or oneshot NOTE: doneaction controlled by release
line= Line.ar(
start: startsamp,
end: endsamp,
dur: (sampsDur / s.sampleRate) * BufRateScale.kr(buf) * posRate.reciprocal
phasor = Phasor.ar(
rate: (1 / bufFrames * BufRateScale.kr(buf)) * posRate,
start: startsamp,
end: endsamp,
resetPos: startsamp
phase = Select.ar(oneshot, [phasor, line]);
sig = BufRd.ar(numChans, buf, line, interpolation: 2);
//handle channels
pan = \pan.kr(0);
panned = case
{numChans == 1} {Pan2.ar(sig, pan)}
{numChans == 2} {Balance2.ar(sig[0], sig[1], pan)}
{numChans > 2} { var splay = Splay.ar(sig); Balance2.ar(splay[0], splay[1], pan); } ;
env = EnvGen.ar(Env.perc(\atk.kr(0.01), \rel.kr(0.5), curve: \curve.kr(-4)), gate: \gate.kr(1), doneAction: 2);
sig = panned * env * \gain.kr(0).dbamp;
sig = sig * \amp.kr(1);
Out.ar(\out.kr(0), sig);
Where the usage is something like:
~sliceBuf = Dictionary();
// eg centroid, spread, skewness, kurtosis, rolloff, flatness, crest
~analyzeSlices.(file: Platform.resourceDir +/+ "sounds/a11wlk01.wav", dict: ~sliceBuf, thresh: 0.1, metric: \centroid);
\instrument, \segPlayer,
\amp, 1,
\buf, ~sliceBuf.at(\file),
//lowest to highest
\slice, ~pGetSlice.(Pseries(0, 1, inf).wrap(0, 32), ~sliceBuf),
\dur, 0.25,
\oneshot, 0