Freesound | ogg not recognised

does anyone have any advice for how to make .ogg files run in super collider?
I’ve built a program for a module that needs this to work for the whole project to work, I’m utilising the Freesound quark and MIRLC2.

I am able to find sounds in freesound but they download as .ogg to my computer, which supercollider doesn’t / can’t open. please help!!

Does Supercollider load any of the compressed files such as mp3 etc? If
not I’d not expect it to load .ogg either. Use SoX, Audacity or
something else to convert your file to .wav instead.

SC uses libsndfile for audio file access. The format-support table is here: libsndfile (tl;dr ogg is not supported at this time).

It does read FLAC, but not MP3.


Hi. AFAIK, libsndfile has supported ogg for a long time, and Freesound preview files work for me on macOS.
This took some time on mac because older versions used a frozen version of libsndfile, but I think that changed a long time ago as well (although I can see the binary is still there, so maybe it is still used for old processors?).
On Linux, it may depend on how you build SC. On Windows, I am not sure.
What OS / processor / SC version are you using?


Missatge de I will not be reading the forum for some time via scsynth <> del dia dc., 28 de des. 2022 a les 1:47:

ogg files work in supercollider on my mac. i used this format in my World_World game engine because they compress so well.
no one has told me the sounds don’t play so it must work for most people.