It will be helpful if you post more details about your OS, SC version, what the post window reports, maybe installed quarks etc. I probably won’t be able to help, but someone else most likely will.
will lead to the Freq Analyzer panel to open and be interactable and the following error appears in the console (same as OP):
*** ERROR: SynthDef system_freqScope1_shm not found
FAILURE IN SERVER /s_new SynthDef not found
Running any kind of signal, on any bus or server configuration works but does not display any frequency in the Freq Analyser panel.
{ * 0.5!2}.play;
I tried to search for system_freqScope1_shm in the docs, internet, or source code but i cannot find
anything relevant.
In the sources of FreqScope the SynthDef seems to be correctly declared at line 67 and added to the server at line 80, in the initSynthDefs function. More i cannot tell.
An additional note: in the Freq Aalyzer panel, if i press STOP or change bus i get the following failure in the console:
FAILURE IN SERVER /n_free Node 1000 not found
and if i then pres start i get again the error
*** ERROR: SynthDef system_freqScope1_shm not found
FAILURE IN SERVER /s_new SynthDef not found
Unfortunately for troubleshooting purposes, I haven’t been able to reproduce this problem.
What is supposed to happen is:
sclang starts up – FreqScopeView’s initSynthDefs method should add the SynthDefs to the global synth library (SynthDescLib).
When the server boots, this should trigger ServerBoot to send all SynthDefs in the global library to the server.
For some reason that isn’t known yet, one of those steps is failing in your environment.'system_freqScope1_shm');
If the result of this is nil, then #1 is the culprit. But I expect that will be fine in your environment.
#2 may be harder to locate. Maybe you have an extension that overrides something in SynthDescLib *initClass, or something in ServerBoot. I don’t have a concrete idea what it could be.
Ahh thank you so much, i fund the issues, there was indeed a ServerBoot.removeAll; performed earlier on. Removing it and restarting SC a couple of times fixed it.
I guess removeAll shall not be called then. Is there a way to clean the ServerBoot from my own functions without impacting the standard ones? Shall i just keep track of them on my own?