FreqScope not Working

Unfortunately for troubleshooting purposes, I haven’t been able to reproduce this problem.

What is supposed to happen is:

  1. sclang starts up – FreqScopeView’s initSynthDefs method should add the SynthDefs to the global synth library (SynthDescLib).
  2. When the server boots, this should trigger ServerBoot to send all SynthDefs in the global library to the server.

For some reason that isn’t known yet, one of those steps is failing in your environment.'system_freqScope1_shm');

If the result of this is nil, then #1 is the culprit. But I expect that will be fine in your environment.

#2 may be harder to locate. Maybe you have an extension that overrides something in SynthDescLib *initClass, or something in ServerBoot. I don’t have a concrete idea what it could be.


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