Function for reduced row Echelon form / Solving linear equations

Here’s a function that converts a matrix to its reduced row echelon form in case someone needs it for solving linear equations through Gaussian ellimination.
The original algorithm is from:

~toReducedRowEchelonForm = { |matrix|
	var lead = 0;
    var rowCount = matrix.size;
    var columnCount = matrix[0].size;
	var pivot, factor;

	block { |break| { |r|
			var i;

			if (columnCount <= lead, {
				break.value(nil) ;

			i = r;

			while({matrix[i][lead] == 0},
				i = i + 1;
					if(rowCount == i,
							i = r;
							lead = lead + 1;
							if (columnCount == lead, {

			matrix.swap(i, r);

			pivot = matrix[r][lead];
			if(pivot != 0,
				{matrix.put(r, matrix[r]/pivot)}
				if(i != r, {
					var change;
					factor = matrix[i][lead];
					matrix.put(i, matrix[i] - (factor * matrix[r]));

			lead = lead + 1;
a = [[80, 20, 0, 0.075, 10],[20, 80, 20, 0.03, 30],[0, 0, 160, 0.045, 20]];

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@erenutku97, you could consider contributing to the Matrix class found in the MathLib quark.

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