Hi there,
I have this below Synth with DynKlank. I would like to retrieve what the current values are in the ‘\freqs’ argument. I tried the ‘.trace’ method, but it seems to return all the Synth’s input and output values and not just the ‘freqs’ values.
x = {
x = WhiteNoise.ar * Impulse.kr(1);
x = DynKlank.ar(`[
x = x * Env.asr.kr(2,\gate.kr(1));
Pan2.ar(x * -48.dbamp);
x.setn(\freqs, ({rrand(40,2e3)}!10).postln);
x.set(\gate, 0);
I tried to understand some relevant comments from other threads here in the forum. E.g. the one by @jamshark70 where - from what I understand - it is said that this seems to be the way the Synth object is constructed, ie. that it doesn’t store values by default, that’s why people try to refer to the Server to retrieve such information/data.
I’m not sure I understand the above linked discussion fully, but I’m wondering if there was any short hand way of retrieving current info/data from a specific argument in the Synth instead of the whole data package?
I tried to look into how to do this via registering the Synth first with the ‘.register’ method, but I only see this enabling the ‘.isRunning’ or ‘.isPlaying’ methods, not registering/retrieving arguments’ current values. But I might be wrong on this.
All-in-all, would appreciate a short-hand solution to this if there’s any.