hello I have made the following code:
// Tu código original
d = Dictionary.new;
d.add(\folders -> PathName(thisProcess.nowExecutingPath.dirname ++"/Biblioteca Audio" ).entries);
0, d[\folders].size -1,
d.add(d[\folders][i].folderName -> d[\folders][i].entries.collect({
Buffer.read(s, sf.fullPath);
// Código para crear la ventana GUI
w = Window.new("Biblioteca Sonidos", Rect(100, 100, 300, 200)); // Crear una ventana con un título y un tamaño
w.background = "blue";
w.layout = VLayout( // Asignar un diseño vertical a la ventana
HLayout( // Crear un diseño horizontal para los botones
Button(w, "Mostrar carpetas").action_({ // Crear un botón para mostrar las carpetas
d[\folders].do({|f| f.folderName.postln}); // Mostrar los nombres de las carpetas en la consola
Button(w, "Reproducir sonido"
).action_({ // Crear un botón para reproducir un sonido
var carpeta = d[\folders][rrand(0, d[\folders].size - 1)].folderName; // Elegir una carpeta al azar
var sonido = d[carpeta][rrand(0, d[carpeta].size - 1)]; // Elegir un sonido al azar de la carpeta
sonido.play; // Reproducir el sonido
("Carpeta: " ++ carpeta ++ ", Sonido: " ++ sonido.bufnum).postln; // Mostrar el nombre de la carpeta y el sonido en la consola
w.front; // Mostrar la ventana
up to here I managed to create a window that with two buttons, one shows me the folders that I have of audio in my library and the other one selects me to randomly sounds of some of them and makes them sound. Now I would like to improve this script a little more, for example that it can show me all the audio files when I select a folder, to be able to listen to them, and finally if I find the audio that I like, to be able to use it in the script with its path address.
Does anyone have any idea how to implement these ideas to improve the script?