Helping routing between Ndefs

There’s something that eludes me about routing audio between Ndefs.

What I’m trying to do is to accept external input into one Ndef, then route this into another for effects.

The code I’m using is below:

Ndef(\mv_in, { ! 2;
Ndef(\mv_reverb, {
	var audio =,2);, 5) * 0.25 + audio;
Ndef(\mv_reverb) <<>.in Ndef(\mv_in);

Ndef(\mv_reverb).play ;

What I’m finding is that I hear the external synth, but without the reverb. So it seems like Ndef(\mv_in) is routing its audio directly to the soundcard, and not via Ndef(\mv_reverb). Can anyone give me a hand?

This statement routes mv_in to the soundcard. If you don’t want the dry signal from this ndef, then don’t .play it.


Thanks for your reply, but I don’t think that’s it.

If I don’t play Ndef(\mv_in), I don’t hear anything at all. What I want to happen is that its output is routed to Ndef(\mv_reverb), which outputs the sound to the soundcard.

I think my mental model of Ndefs is not right, because I don’t seem to be getting this at all.

Okay, so if I don’t play Ndef(\mv_in), I can still call .scope on it and that shows me it’s processing audio. So the problem is that it’s not routing that audio to Ndef(\mv_reverb) for some reason.