When i write SynthDefs, I only use LPF, BPF, HPF, RLPF, RHPF. Each one have a specific and well understood use.
But often I look at the documentation and see all kind of filters, but I don’t know what could be their use. A low pass filter is a low pass filter, no ? what could be different when using another filter ?
For example, IIUC, second order filters have a more steep cut off, but what is the difference between chaining two first order filters ?
BPZ2: what is the use to cut 0 and nyquist frequency ? apart for writing a DAC ?
BPR2: same question with nyquist/2
HPZ2, LPZ2: same
FOS, SOS: if this is the same filter but you have to compute yourself the cut off frequency, it’s more work for nothing. Is this only useful to put random value in the coef to get strange sound ? And here I wonder again if theses strange sounds can’t be created with a standard filter since there is a formula to convert between the two
TwoPole/TwoZero: doc say lower level, but I see two parameter: cutoff and radius which could be equivalent to rq, I don’t see any more possibilities than a regular filter
BLowPass: why equalize with this instead of LPF ? is it useful to use in a non-equalizing purpose ?
BLowShelf: why not use a BLowPass ? I’m using BLowShelf only because people seems to use it for cutting the bottom part, but it’s a bit of cargo cult
DFM1, BMoog, MoogFF: I seldom hear any difference with regular filters, maybe my sound source is too poor ?
LTI, NL2: i will stop here, so many more cryptic Ugens =)
I know theses questions only show my lack of understanding of filter/signal theory, I’m able to read on this and understand, but I miss something and hope that seeing practical use in sound design will help me
Maybe I am limiting myself with basic filters and there is a new world of sound to discover with others filters, that’s the goal of my post