How can I make the Junkers Ju-87 Jericho trumpet sound using a glissando?

Hey guys. I don’t know anything about sound designing, so can you guys help me out pls? I’d be glad to know.

Maybe it would help to post some audio examples of the sound you’re trying to make?

Yes, of course! here’s one in dunkirk:

without recreating this directly i think its about creating a shepard tone. you can do this by having overlapping sinusoidal grains with an upward or downward frequency trajectory per grain. Maybe experimenting with that is a good starting point because my knowledge ends here.

var multiChannelPhase = { |numChannels, rate|
	var localRate = rate / numChannels;
	numChannels.collect{ |i|
		var localPhase, localTrig, hasTriggered;
		localPhase =, localRate *;
		localPhase = (localPhase + (1 - (i / numChannels)) -, 1);
		localTrig = < 0;
		hasTriggered = >= 1;
		//localPhase * hasTriggered;

SynthDef(\shepard, {

	var numChannels = 10;
	var tFreq, windowRates, windowPhases, freqWindows, grainWindows, freq, sig;

	tFreq = \;
	windowRates = tFreq / \;
	windowPhases = multiChannelPhase.(numChannels, windowRates);

	freqWindows =[0, 1], [1.0], \lin), windowPhases);
	grainWindows =[0, 1, 0], [0.5, 0.5], \sin), windowPhases);

	freq = \ * (2 ** (freqWindows * \;	
	sig =;

	sig = sig * grainWindows;

	sig =;

	sig = sig * \;
	sig = sig * Env.asr(0.001, 1, 0.001).ar(Done.freeSelf, \;\, sig);


	var ratios = [1, 5/4, 3/2];

	s.bind {
		ratios.collect{ |ratio|

			Synth(\shepard, [

				\tFreq, 1,

				\freq, 220 * ratio,
				\freqModAmount, 4,
				\overlap, 10,

				\amp, -40.dbamp,
				\out, 0,


1 Like

you can also combine additive synthesis and granulation with the ability to have a more inharmonic spectra. but this gets CPU heavy pretty fast and you are likely to hit the nyquist frequency when not carefully choosing the parameter values or get other weird aliasing with the low trigger rates needed.

var multiChannelTrigger = { |numChannels, trig|
	var rate = if(trig.rate == \audio, \ar, \kr);
	numChannels.collect{ |chan|
		PulseDivider.perform(rate, trig, numChannels, chan);

var multiChannelPhase = { |triggers, windowRate|
	var rate = if(triggers.rate == \audio, \ar, \kr);
	triggers.collect{ |localTrig, i|
		var hasTriggered = PulseCount.perform(rate, localTrig) > 0;
		Sweep.perform(rate, localTrig, windowRate * hasTriggered);

var makeStretchedHarmonicSeries = { |numPartials, freq, inharmonicity|
	var ratios = (1..numPartials);
	var chain = (
		numPartials: numPartials,
		ratios: ratios,
		amps: 1 ! numPartials,
	chain[\freqs] = freq * ratios * (1 + (inharmonicity * ratios * ratios)).sqrt;

var addSpectralTilt = { |chain, tiltPerOctave|
	chain[\amps] = chain[\amps] * (chain[\ratios].log2 * tiltPerOctave).dbamp;

SynthDef(\additive_glisson, {

	var	numChannels = 5;
	var numPartials = 16;

	var tFreq, trig, triggers, overlap, windowRate, windowPhases;
	var grainWindows, freqWindows, freqs, sigs, sig;

	tFreq = \;
	trig =;

	triggers = multiChannelTrigger.(numChannels, trig);

	overlap = \;
	windowRate = tFreq / overlap;

	windowPhases = multiChannelPhase.(triggers, windowRate);

	grainWindows =[0, 1, 0], [0.5, 0.5], \sin), windowPhases);

	freqWindows =[0, 1], [1], \lin), windowPhases);
	freqs = \ * (2 ** (freqWindows * \;

	sigs = freqs.collect { |freq, i|
		var chain, sig;

		chain = makeStretchedHarmonicSeries.(numPartials, freq, \;
		chain = addSpectralTilt.(chain, \;

		sig =
			freq: chain[\freqs],
			phase: { Rand(0, 2pi) } ! chain[\numPartials],
			mul: chain[\amps]
		sig = sig[0,2..].sum + ([-1,1] * sig[1,3..].sum);

		sig * grainWindows[i];

	sig = sigs.sum;

	sig = sig * \;

	sig = sig * Env.asr(0.001, 1, 0.001).ar(Done.freeSelf, \;\, sig);


	var ratios = [1.0, 1.2885607692297, 1.9661338478527];

	s.bind {

		ratios.collect{ |ratio|
			var note = 44.midicps;

			Synth(\additive_glisson, [

				\tFreq, 0.1,
				\overlap, 5,

				\freq, note * ratio,
				\freqModAmount, 4,

				\inharmonicity, 0.005,
				\tiltPerOctaveDb, -3,

				\amp, -25.dbamp,
				\out, 0,




One of the nicest shepard tones I have heard:)

What about the distortion tho? How can I make it?

thats a really weird conversation :slight_smile:

ok so, you want to know what I need? so, I need a hyper-realistic ju-87 stuka siren sound. is that ok for you? Because I wanna simulate the Jericho trumpets realistically, ya know?