How to help with documentation, occasionally?

Every now and then, I find a typo or disfunctional example in the help system and I want to contribute that little correction. What is the best way to do that? Should I go into cloning the whole git repo and do everything as describes? Can I use the GitHub web edit interface? Should I do it against the current release branch or devel?


if it’s a small change then editing the documentation in GitHub without cloning the repo (cloning locally, that is – you will still create a clone when you fork SuperCollider on github) is fine. but if you are going to make frequent contributions then getting into a good flow with git and GitHub’s command-line interface, Hub (, is the more efficient method in the long run.

from the wiki page you linked:

Your topic branch should be based on develop , unless it is a trivial bug fix or documentation change, in which case it should be based on the latest release ( 3.x ) branch.

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Thank you for clarification.

Did you mean to quote this:

Your topic branch should be based on develop , unless it is a trivial bug fix or documentation change, in which case it should be based on the latest release ( 3.x ) branch.

yes! sorry, i guess when replying by email the Discourse server thought my > ought to be stripped out. edited.