How to Optimize Supercollider Code for Better Performance?

Hi everyone,

I am working on a project using Supercollider and I’ve hit a bit of a performance wall. My code is functional, but it is running slower than I’d like, especially when processing larger audio samples. I’ve tried a few tweaks, but I am not sure if I’m on the right track.

Could anyone share some tips or best practices for optimizing Supercollider code: ?? Specifically, I am interested in techniques for reducing CPU usage and improving real–time audio processing. Are there particular functions or methods I should avoid, or any general guidelines for writing more efficient code: ?? I have read this: but couldn’t get any help.

Thanks in advance for any advice or resources…! :blush:


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Is the problem in the language or on the server? The language isn’t really designed for processing audio.

I think we should load all the necessary audio files into buffers (except when using Buffer.cueSoundFile, but there should be enough time to prepare that) before we start playing music.

If scsynth does not work properly, we could try using supernova. It may help.

If these two methods do not solve the problem, the code should be inspected closely, I think.

My opinion is that optimizing code is a matter of fine-tuning details that are specific to a use case. That is, if someone gives you a list of tips / best practices, there is a very high probability that those would be irrelevant to your specific case.

Based on the information given – no use case, no code sketches, no description of where performance bottlenecks are observed – it isn’t possible to provide a satisfactory answer. More details are needed. Otherwise they’re just shots in the dark.


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