You should add more postln’s to your code to help debug. I added some below to show you that your code is not calling mySieveI like you think. It is because you have spelled it wrong in line 37 - where you have spelled it ~mySiveI. There are still problems, but you should add lots of posting to your code so that you can find the problems.
( ~mySieveI = { arg a, bound, eq;
var aa;
if( (a > (eq-bound)) && ( a < (eq+bound)))
aa = a }
aa = 0};
}; )
// Sieve count right Values
( ~mySieveII = { arg a, bound, eq;
var count=0;{ arg item, i;
if( (item > (eq-bound)) && ( item < (eq+bound)))
{ count = count + 1; }{};});
}; )
// Processing Full Array to Median Value
( ~processingArray = { arg measureSeq;
var average, dirtyaver = 0,average2, dirtyaver2 = 0,averageres, dirtyavereres=0,doubleStandardDer;
("median").postln;{ arg item, i; dirtyaver = dirtyaver + item; });
average = dirtyaver / measureSeq.size;{ arg item, i; dirtyaver2 = dirtyaver2 + abs(item - average).squared; });
average2 = dirtyaver2 / measureSeq.size;
doubleStandardDer = average2.sqrt*2;{ arg item, i;
[item, doubleStandardDer, average].postln;
dirtyavereres = dirtyavereres + ~mySiveI.value(item, doubleStandardDer, average).postln; });
[measureSeq, doubleStandardDer, average].postln;
averageres = dirtyavereres / ~mySiveII.value(measureSeq, doubleStandardDer, average);