I got an error I do not understand

I get this error:

ERROR: not a number in Matrix-put

When doing this:

angle = MouseY.kr(-pi, pi);
azim = MouseX.kr(pi/2, -pi/2);
sig = FoaEncode.ar(sig, FoaEncoderMatrix.newDirection(angle, azim));

But when filling on just numbers, all is ok. Like:

angle = pi/4;
azim = 0.5;
sig = FoaEncode.ar(sig, FoaEncoderMatrix.newDirection(angle, azim));

I really have no clue what I am doing wrong. Any ideas?

I concluded that FoaEncoderMatrix.newDirection(angle, azim) can not handle dynamicaly changing parameter values.
Note that I messed up the parameter values. It should be:
FoaEncoderMatrix.newDirection(azim, elevation)
But the values where ok.