Hey I have a Routine which does technically the job for me.
But I need not one rather I need 6 Instances of this Routine.
This six Instances should play parallel.
So it’s stupid to write the Routine 6 Times.
Are there any other ways do get this run.
Sorry I today to stupid but what is wrong with this Code
// our Function to build mutltiple Instances
~my_routine_maker = {
// Routine to instance the Synth
// Stream for chose one Buffer of Sound to Chose
a = Prand([~b1, ~b2, ~b3], inf).asStream;
c = Synth(\help_PlayBuf, [\bufnum, a.next, \temp, -4.4.rand2]);
// Loop for ever to change Play Rate and Bufer to play
c.set(\temp, -4.4.rand2.round(1), \bufnum, a.next);
// Litle wait to next Change
I must have there a typo so the structure is incorrect and the
Whole Part is not setable.
Dear Nathan,
I very new to SuperCollider all the time.
So I don’t actually understand very good what you mean.
So I know a little bit about OSC Messages.
But I don’t understand why I have to do pre empting here the OSC Messages.
Actually my Program runs.
But I think it would give there any Reasons, please explain.
And it would been great can you show me a way to do it.