Info about non-SC code in posts

There is a lot of non-SC code in various posts. For non-SC code I would suggest that posters inform which language the code is written in - maybe a commented-out line at the top of the code block. This would serve two purposes:

  • help not confuse new SC users, who might try to run the non-SC in SC
  • help people interested in expanding their knowledge of other languages

What do you think?


My discussion about FOS filter in SuperCollider returning Nan, I used numpy/scipy because that’s the more “research-oriented” tool to confirm something about the problem. And it helped to confirm one of the hypothesis.

I can add a comment on that code. But remember, nowadays most scsynth users actually use things like tidal and other clients that are very popular. People have an idea about this already…

EDIT: Like this? Done.

Yes, that would be very helpful.

But remember, nowadays most scsynth users actually use things like tidal and other clients that are very popular. People have an idea about this already…

I don’t really know if you can make that assumption. I have used SC for about 3 years but never any other programming language except for a bit of Max Msp prior to SC. Could be I am the only one like that, but I doubt it.

Just to be clear - I am not by any means opposed to posting non-SC code, I just think it is very helpful for some people (like me) to know which language is being used, and also, I suspect some SC newcomers, especially those who never programmed before, would be confused by non-SC code examples which are not marked as such.


Ok no worries, I hope it’s better now

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No, there are all kinds of people. I’m not really sure. Would be nice some kind of survey btw.

I imagine that the people who are active and vocal on forums are more likely to have experience with other
programming languages, but across the supercollider user base, I expect you are in the majority, by a long way.

My opinion is that to make communication easier, its generally best to avoid other languages unless they are explicitly relevant.


Some people write sclang in such a exotic way to me that I would prefer most languages any other Sunday (just kidding). In most cases there is an ideia behind deciding writing other langs, or a very pratical case, like numpy for filters. I thought it made sense in a practical way.

EDIT: actually I need to stop making jokes here, because it can easily be misunderstood. It was not sarcarsm or anything like that, guys. Just to make clear.

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Yes a survey could be interesting, I wonder if it possible through the discourse interface?

One of the challenges of this forum is the wildly different levels of experience and expertise with both SC and programming in general. At the same time this is one of the real strengths of the forum. I suspect there are many ‘silent readers’ of the forum, who rarely or never post - a survey could possibly help shed light on this.

Since I joined the forum a couple of years ago I have read 99.5% of new posts and a lot of the older posts and I have learned a LOT in the process, even though I am not always able to follow what is being posted, especially when discussion is about C++, primitives, optimization, general DSP concepts etc. I am coming from a music background with no real programming experience prior to SC - others have been programming as long as I have played guitar (since the age of 7).

I guess what I am trying to say is think about not going into to super detailed, slightly off-topic discussions when newcomers or intermediate users are posting questions. I REALLY enjoy reading these discussions, also when I have nothing to contribute, but I think it is better to keep them in separate threads not to scare off beginners and intermediate users. And also, when possible, avoid using too many implicit words and phrases, to help us mere mortals a bit :slight_smile:

As a side-note I cannot stress enough the value of being able to download SC in a precompile package and make sound within a few minutes, which is also why I am little worried about the idea of abandoning the SC IDE in a favor of other general purpose IDEs - for every additional piece of software needed to be installed and for every minute added before getting sound out of SC we will lose newcomers. For non-programmers, the whole concept of programming is daunting, maybe even terrifying at first :slight_smile: Sometimes I flip my guitar around to play left-handed to remind myself how difficult is to be a beginner.

This is posted with great love for the forum and with a deep respect for and admiration of the contributions from all of you power-users and experts, I hope this comes through as such.


I know the basics of SC, Max and so on.
As for me, reading code written in languages other than SuperCollider, Max, pd, processing, Csound, Arduino code, NI Kontakt script, Mathematica and Python can be very complicated to understand.

Nowadays, AI tools such as ChatGPT, Claude, Copilot and Gemini can be used to understand code written in any language. But it also takes extra time and effort. So I would be happier if I could get answers in the same language as the question. It would also be more efficient.

I think it would be better to give a reason for using the other language to answer the question. It is important to be aware that writing an answer in a language that the questioner does not understand is not helpful. It would be better to stick to the same language in the question.


I also come from a musical background, I play piano, I write for ensembles, and apart from some BASIC playing in my adolescence, and some lisp while starting SC (just because sc had poor fundamental material about programming, now it’s better), SuperCollider was the language where I learned most of the fundamentals of computing, and always in interaction with my musical activity.

SuperCollider is a fun but also powerful language. Make no mistake, you can go far with this.

And people who are not attracted to coding, they will not use SuperCollider. There is no point in change this reality. People just tend to be interested in different things.