Is there a piano clavier as GUI element?

I see that SC comes with a lot of fancy GUI elements for a synth but a common one that I have not found is a piano keyboard preview where you press notes with mouse to preview sounds. Is there one ?

Welcome to the forum! The only one I know about and have used is KeyboardWindow class from the “wslib” Quark. It’s old but may have the functionality you need…it does require a little programming to use. You need to assign functions to the downAction and upAction to do whatever you want (typically, play notes :wink: ). Here is a minimal example that plays an Event when a note is pressed:

thisProcess.recompile // only necessary if "wslib" was newly installed


k = KeyboardWindow();
k.downAction = { arg ch, note, vel;
	[ch,note,vel].debug("down ch,note,vel");
	(midinote: note, amp: vel/127, dur: 0.5).play

In general, you’ll likely want to (instead of playing an Event on note down, when you don’t know what duration to use) create a Synth on downAction, store it in a Dictionary of notes that are down, then properly release the Synth on upAction. Here is a minimal example of that:

var notes = ();
k = KeyboardWindow();
k.downAction = { arg ch, note, vel;
	[ch,note,vel].debug("down ch,note,vel");
	if (notes[note].isNil) {
		notes[note] = Synth(\default, [freq: note.midicps, amp: vel/127])

k.upAction = { arg ch, note, vel;
	var synth = notes[note];
	if (synth.notNil) {
		notes[note] = nil;


Thanks I also found that there is a GUI element it escaped my attention called Image. It has an openSVG method I could use to together with mouse events to do what I want.

But will also look at your Quark suggestion.