Is there any way to play several Pbind together?

In other words, I would like to use several instruments together in only one Pdef or Pbind.

Is it possible?

I have tried:

\instrument, \ins1
\instrument, \ins2

This won’t work.


Have a look at Ppar.


This thread might come in handy:

I know it has been a while since the post, but I came here for help with the same issue.

You could use a TempoClock so that all things sync up.

Or you can place the Pbinds in one Pseq.

Pseq ( [
Pbind ( \instrument , ) ,
Pbind ( \instrument , ) ,
] , REPEATS ).play;

I don’t know if I’ve written this in a way that makes sense. But this is also a very good way to structure songs. Putting Pseq in Pbind inside Pseq etc. etc.