Is this a familiar or unfamiliar type of stack corruption?

I seem to have evidence of a stack corruption here? Sporadic, of course. The same action, performed a second time, triggered no error.

At ArrayedCollection:do, the ‘function’ is { |item, i| this.put(i, function.value(item, i)) }this should be the same in the do method as it is in the function. But, magically, inside the function, this has become the array index = 1 (and I have no idea what the clock is doing in there).

Just noting…? No idea how to research it.

ERROR: Message 'put' not understood.
Perhaps you misspelled 'pow', or meant to call 'put' on another receiver?
   Integer 1
Instance of TempoClock {    (0x5fdd843b4d08, gc=5C, fmt=00, flg=00, set=03)
  instance variables [7]
    queue : instance of Array (0x5fdd83137ec0, size=19, set=11)
    ptr : RawPointer 0x5fdd83a022b0
    beatsPerBar : Float 4.000000   00000000 40100000
    barsPerBeat : Float 0.250000   00000000 3FD00000
    baseBarBeat : Float 0.000000   00000000 00000000
    baseBar : Float 0.000000   00000000 00000000
    permanent : true

	Meta_MethodError:new	0x5fdd849f0800
		arg this = DoesNotUnderstandError
		arg what = nil
		arg receiver = 1
	Meta_DoesNotUnderstandError:new	0x5fdd849f2b40
		arg this = DoesNotUnderstandError
		arg receiver = 1
		arg selector = put
		arg args = [ a TempoClock, nil ]
	Object:doesNotUnderstand	0x5fdd83d55c80
		arg this = 1
		arg selector = put
		arg args = nil
	ArrayedCollection:do	0x5fdd85fc1900
		arg this = [ an OSCMessageDispatcher, a Function ]
		arg function = a Function
		var i = 1
	Collection:collectInPlace	0x5fdd85f4c140
		arg this = [ an OSCMessageDispatcher, a Function ]
		arg function = a Function
	FunctionList:value	0x5fdd84dadb40
		arg this = a FunctionList
		arg args = nil
		var res = [ [ /button_10, 0.0 ], 1722.372526787, a NetAddr(, 8080), 57120 ]
	Main:recvOSCmessage	0x5fdd84676600
		arg this = a Main
		arg time = 1722.372526787
		arg replyAddr = a NetAddr(, 8080)
		arg recvPort = 57120
		arg msg = [ /button_10, 0.0 ]


Doesn’t look good :confused: It would be great if you have some code to share that can reproduce this reliable so it can be inspected further on the C++ side as well, but it seems this only comes up occasionally?

The clock could be a hint to some quirky thread-issue - but it would be strange if this would only popped up now? Maybe you found an interesting edge-case?

Unfortunately it’s in a response to an Open Stage Control button, in stable code that I’ve been using for, oh, 8+ years now? And normally never throws an error.

The button is calling “stop” on a process – this does use the clock, but shouldn’t return the clock.

It’ll probably never happen again. Just… weird.


FWIW the random failures in the test suite sometimes look similar… maybe?
E.g. LinkClock tests sometimes fail · Issue #5421 · supercollider/supercollider · GitHub

When I was looking into this, I was sometimes able to reproduce the issues if I ran the test with all the CPUs being under 100% artificial load. @jamshark70 can you try running your code with all CPUs under stress to see if that allows the error to be recreated?

I’ve often seen unexpected clocks when you read past the end of the stack. It might have something to do with thread creation requiring a lot of stack space? But that’s just speculation.

If you change the methods to capture this in a variable outside the function, does this change the error?


var fakeThis = this; { fakeThis.use }

What version, os, and hardware is this on?