Just Intonation in DegreeToKey syntax

In the DegreetoKey example the syntax is the following for the Dorian Scale:

var scale, buffer;
scale = FloatArray[0, 2, 3.2, 5, 7, 9, 10]; // dorian scale
buffer = Buffer.alloc(s, scale.size, 1, {|b| b.setnMsg(0, scale) });

Ndef(\degree, {
	var freq = Rand(0, 5);	
	var degree = ( DegreeToKey.kr(buffer, MouseX.kr(0, 15),       // mouse indexes into scale
                12,                    // 12 notes per octave
                1,                    // mul = 1
                72                    // offset by 72 notes
	var sig = SinOsc.ar(degree);
	Out.ar(0, sig!2);


In order to understand the principle of DegreetoKey syntax how should I write the code in order to have (for example) :

1/ Scale.minor with 4.midicps as a root key

2/Scale.minor(t) with 3.midicps as a root key, " t " being in this case a Just Intonation tuning such as

t = Tuning.just;

Thanks a lot

I don’t fully understand what you are looking after.

I think you are trying to ‘pitch’ the scale object’s ratios, after it was tuned ?

Like this ?

var array;

var scale = Scale.major;


array = scale.ratios * 3.midicps;


Sorry I had a confusion with FloatArray[…] !