Larry Polansky... I can't believe

I am sad to know that Larry Polansky passed away a few days ago. I cried and had no words.

I had the privilege of his friendship and had close contact with him, serving as an informal mentee while my partner at the time was at UCSC.

I have been deeply moved by Larry’s ethical and musical dimension, which was a testament to his worldview. Intelligence, independence, humanity, generosity, and perhaps one of the most charismatic personalities I’ve ever met.

I chose this interview to give the ethical dimension he had about music. I have been disappointed many times with contemporary music, but I had Larry as a reference and a friend to share views on the ethics of other music.

Larry, you didn’t know, but you impacted my life.

You will be missed, my friend.


Larry Polansky invited me to Dartmouth in SuperCollider’s early days. The experience of having his students try to make some music with it helped me find areas that needed improvement.


I believe there is a discussion between you and Dartmouth folks published somewhere. I’m not sure where I saw that.