Leaving (control) busses unassigned?

Hi list,

I am wanting to use In.kr or In.ar in a SynthDef as an optional control
inlet. Here is an example:
SynthDef(\mwe, {arg inBus; Out.ar(0, SinOsc.ar(440 + In.ar(inBus)))}).add

Here, if I don’t specify the inBus argument, it will default to 0 and
lead to unexpected behavior.

Now is there a way to use a In.kr or In.ar in a SynthDef without having to
assign it to a Bus number, so its use can remain fully optional?

I am aware of the .asMap method to plug a bus into a Synth argument.
Here, the disadvantage is, that I have to specify it every time a synth
node is started.

Is there yet another way?

Oh, and besides: How can I quickly turn MouseX.kr into audio rate?


You can just:

    Out.ar(0, SinOsc.ar(440 + (In.ar(inBus) * useInput)))

where userInput is 0 or 1

Or SelectX

    var input = SelectX.ar(useInput, [0, In.ar(inBus)]);
    Out.ar(0, SinOsc.ar(440 + input))

Remember that when you evaluate SynthDef, its internal structure will no longer change. This is a classic separation between language and server. Check the documentation on that.

My preferred trick, if you prefer to specify a bus number:

var inBus = \inBus.kr(-1);

var busValue = Select.kr(inBus < 0, [In.kr(inBus, 1), 0]);

I think this isn’t true… You would need to specify it only when using it. If unspecified, the control input would take the default value that it’s given in the SynthDef.


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I think asMap is very functional to control groups of synths. I think it is just another option. I use it.

Bernardo, James, thanks for both of your suggestions!

James, how does your trick work with regard to putting the string
into the variable?

If someone can furthermore recommend a nice way to render MouseX.kr into
an .ar signal it would be very welcome!

And I am currently looking for documentation on a way to address (.set
or .release) specific nodes in a Group.

Thanks to you all!

\inBus.kr(-1) creates a control input named inBus whose default is -1. In that sense it isn’t any different from writing inBus = -1 in the SynthDef argument list. So, if you don’t specify a value, it will be negative and use the 0 branch of the Select instead of the In value.

Actually I don’t use \name.kr syntax generally for simple controls – figures that the one time I do on the forum, it raises confusion :laughing:


See K2A.ar - K2A | SuperCollider 3.13.0 Help

I like to use .midiratio with these types of inputs as the default value will be 0 and 0.midiratio = 1. This works well if you multiply instead of add, so I try to construct my synthdefs in this way. A way to ensure that you do not feed the control bus a wrong values is to reserve the first control bus for default inputs with a value of 0 and never set this bus to anything other than 0. This way all synthdefs will work with and without control bus inputs.