Making a standalone

I am trying to create a standalone on MacOS 14.4.1 (Intel), SC 3.13.0 universal binary. When using the tutorial on the help file “Making Standalone Applications”, I can create an app, but it is not executable (I get the message: The application “StehAllein” can’t be opened).

Using the GitHub - dathinaios/sc_osx_standalone: A minimal SuperCollider standalone template for macOS. I can create an app (and make it ‘native’ OSX using Platypus) but I cannot figure out how to build the standalone with the SC3plugins (3.11 plugins release).

Any ideas?

I’m afraid none of them are really working at the moment. Part of the problem is the code signing requirements on MacOS.

I’ve started work on a possible new approach. Will get back to it at some point.


OFF-TOPIC re: operating system, but:

I believe that making an AppImage that would work on any modern Linux system would not be a very difficult job. It deserves a try as well. Maybe there is some work done already somewhere.

(I believe Flatpak would not be as good, I had problems with permissions and audio latency with it. But it would require some testing to confirm.)

Hi all,
I toyed around with the Making Standalones help file today, and no luck:
IIUC, to get a Standalone to make and use its own supportDir (so it does no read SuperCollider"s) means you need to rename the app, its macOS executable and the
executableName and bundleName in Contents/Info.plist.
This makes the checksum fail, so macOS considers it damaged or illegal and will not start it. Even turning off security layers (allow apps from anywhere) does not help,
one would need to codesign the renamed app again.

Scott, how do you plan to get around this?
best, a

What I started on was the idea of a separate standalone build which the project would provide prebuilt. This would only load extensions from an adjacent folder, and would look for a startup file there as well.

Since the build itself will have code signed it should be fine. The extensions and startup are user code and don’t modify the bundle so shouldn’t trigger any issues.

So to make a standalone you’d just download the standalone build, put your stuff in the correctly named folder next to it and voila!

I got most of the way to getting this working on Mac at least, but ran into some cmake issues.

I intended to get back to it, though I did wonder if an even better method would be simply a new bundle file format which would include a langconfig (that supported relative paths) and user code. If sc was launched with that it would load the bundled extensions and run the startup. So instead of a standalone version in the old sense you’d just have bundles of resources. I think someone else already suggested this tbh.

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