Making a template for a MIDI controller (with GUI)


For the first time I’m trying some coding (with functions) in SuperCollider.

I want to use my MIDI controller (16 knobs) to explore sounds in SC, quite similar to what you can do with NdefGui, but then using my MIDI controller knobs.

Eventually I might want to make a simple external GUI, which is able to set the lower and upper range of the values (via OSC).

I’d like to have some feedback on the code I’ve atm.


  var knobsAmount = 16;

  ~ff = (0..knobsAmount-1);

  // Fill the Array with knobs as events and give them all default values.
  c = { | l = 80, h = 1000, v = 64 |
      ~ff = ~ff.collect({
        | k, i |
        var c = i + 1; 
        k = (
          cc: c,
          lo: l,
          hi: h,
          val: v,

  // Assign default values to the knobs, by calling func

  // Free all MIDIdef

  // return a function for the MIDIdef as snd arg
  f = { | i |
        arg val, num, chan;
        [val, num, chan].postln;
        ~ff[i].val = val.linlin(0, 127, ~ff[i].lo, ~ff[i].hi);

  // create MIDIdefs.{ | i |
      var lab = "knob" ++ i.asString;, f.(i), ~ff[i].cc).permanent_(true);

Some kind of SynthDef and then experiment with the sounds:


  x = Synth(\a);
            x.set(\freq, ~ff[0].val); 
            x.set(\mFreq, ~ff[1].val);

Change the range manually:

~ff[0].lo = 20;
~ff[0].hi = 20000;

You might want to check this post: Creating a MIDI Bank - #8 by Thor_Madsen

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