I would like to inform you that the annual application deadline for the master program Klang und Realität (Sound and Reality) is at the end of the month, 2024-10-31.
Klang und Realität is a master’s program at Robert Schumann Hochschule Düsseldorf (Germany) for everything that goes beyond traditional academic, scientific and artistic reflection and perception of sound in a practical and theoretical way.
As this is an interdisciplinary program, people from different and diverse backgrounds are welcome, and it is not necessary to have a bachelor’s degree in music or to be proficient on a musical instrument in order to enroll.
The program is divided into two majors: Transmedia Forms and Epistemic Media, the latter led by Prof. Julian Rohrhuber, who some of you may know as telephon.
People teaching in the seminars include composers like Marcus Schmickler, Phillip Schulze and Oliver Schneller, anthropologist Nicolas Langlitz, philosopher of science Tzuchien Tho and many other very interesting people from different backgrounds - a full list of people can be found here.
The program is centered around a project developed during the program. Weekly meetings of the students and the seminars provide great feedback and insights.
This is also a great opportunity for, but not limited to, people interested in building a project for or within the domain of SuperCollider.
Although most of the seminars are held in German, and it is necessary to have a B2 level in German, it is possible to learn the language while studying, so that you can reach a B2 level within 1 year. The program is organized in a 3-day week, spanning Tuesday to Thursday.
The university is technically very well equipped, including such gems as the Experimentallabor, which is equipped with a 16-channel Meyer Sound setup, a set of great microphones to rent, and rooms and exteriors to work in a great environment.
More information can be found at https://klang-und-realitaet.rsh-duesseldorf.de/
Feel free to share this among your peers!
Disclaimer: I also graduated from this program and am Julian’s assistant. It allowed me to grow and develop personally, and allowed me to shift my mathematical background more into one with a strong emphasis on artistic and philosophical reflection. I can highly recommend this program!