August 5, 2018, 7:59pm
Members present: Brian, James Harkins, Josh, Nathan, Patrick, Scott Carver
Status of the 3.10 release:
Linux help browser shortcuts fixed
Help browser shortcut almost fixed
SerialPort almost done
FileDialog hangup and SCIDE look and feel still not started
Josh have been working on package manager for plugins
James is working on Score/NRT helpfile improvements
Brian suggested that we release beta this week, documenting the 2 remaining issues
Issue + PR templates: good idea, a bit too long right now
File object, File APIs
Time for a new logo?
Resurrecting the UI refresh branch
Design documents as a method for preventing pull requests that attract huge amounts of nitpicky comments
Nathan brought up a safe output clipping proposal
Patrick is having a bizarre issue with the help browser
This week:
Merge SerialPort and the Cmd+Enter help browser
Release beta with “known issues list”
Josh will take initiative on logo redesign
Nathan will work on SCIDE
Scott will work on FileDialog
Put out a user survey
Time for a new logo?
are there more details about this? what are people thinking / feeling re: SuperCollider logo?
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An actual supercollider may be a good starting point.
August 6, 2018, 4:38pm
But maybe not the image that was used on the Megadeth album.
Ha! I hadn’t seen that. OK, well some way of finding commonality between graphical forms associated with a literal supercollider, computation, music and audio would be good. This kind of thing would make sense as an influence because of the loops and patterns etc:
August 6, 2018, 7:09pm
i’m not ready to open discussion on this yet just because logo conversations tend to get very passionate and overshadow more important things, such as the upcoming 3.10 release
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August 6, 2018, 7:16pm
Clearly the new logo should be the dancing parrot:
Cult of the Party Parrot
August 8, 2018, 9:59pm
Tuzki climbing the learning curve…
August 8, 2018, 10:09pm
I created a Party Totoro:
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