I have a little SnythDef that I’m working on. It has a GUI I built with just five or six sliders. I’m wondering if I can work out some kind of Midi input that would accept input from either the slider or a keyboard. I’m not that interested in implementing noteOn() and noteOff()) right now as it’s kind of drone anyway. So I think I would just parse out two different inputs and then compare to last input and which ever was different from the currently playing pitch - just play that. So in a sense I just need an if clause to compare some inputs.
I guess the midi input should set the slider to the new value also.
Any help or suggestions of function files that I might employ will be helpful.
// define a synth
SynthDef(“SawNoiseLP”, { arg note = 36, noteOffset = 0, fc = 1000, rq = 0.25, bal = 0, amp=0.4, ampFactor = 1.0, width=0.3, gate = 1.0, nDepth = 0.1, nFact = 1.0, nFreq = 80, nFFact = 1.0 ;
var x;
x = Mix.fill(4, {
VarSaw.ar(((note + noteOffset) + {0.1.rand2}.dup).midicps, 0, width, 0.02)
});"/Users/foo/Documents/Documents - MacBook Pro/SuperColliderSketches/SawNoiseResonant_GUI/SawNoiseResonLowPass BetterMaster.scd"
x = RLPF.ar(x, fc, rq, amp * ampFactor).softclip;
x = Balance2.ar(x[0], x[1], bal);
x = x * EnvGen.kr(Env.cutoff, gate, 5, doneAction: 2);
y = Balance2.ar(BPF.ar(BrownNoise.ar(nDepth * nFact, 0.001), nFreq * nFFact, nDepth * nFact),
BPF.ar(BrownNoise.ar(nDepth * nFact, 0.001), nFreq * nFFact * 1.033, nDepth * nFact), bal);
y = RLPF.ar(y, fc, rq, nDepth * nFact).softclip;
z = Mix([x,y]);
Out.ar(0, z);
}, [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1]
f.value; //first window - creates another clone if invoked again
( // evaluate (CMD-return) this section - then evaluate f.value above to start the GUI
f = {
// start server
var w, startButton, cloneButton, killButton, sliders, noiseDep;
var node, cmdPeriodFunc, gate;
var specs, params, margin = 65, xGrid = 72, blueGridOffset = 44;
params = ["note", "fc", "rq", "bal", "amp", "nDepth", "nFreq"];
specs = [
ControlSpec(24, 110, \lin, 1, 36, \note),
ControlSpec(200, 10000, \exp,0.01,1000,\Hz),
ControlSpec(0.01, 2.0,\lin,0.001,0.2,\rq),
ControlSpec(-1, 1, \lin, 0, 0, \pan),
ControlSpec(0, 3, \lin, 0, 0.1, \vol), // db spec, use self made one
ControlSpec(0, 1.5, \lin, 0.01, 0.01, \nDepth),
ControlSpec(10, 3000.0, \lin, 0.01, 0.3, \nFreq),
// make the window
w = Window("Saw Noise Resonant LowPass", Rect(20, 400, 660, 220));
w.front; // make window visible and front window.
w.alwaysOnTop = true;
w.view.decorator = FlowLayout(w.view.bounds);
w.view.decorator.gap=4@5;"/Users/foo/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/Help/Search.html";
// add a button to start and stop the sound.
startButton = Button(w, 50 @ 20);
startButton.states = [
["Start", Color.black, Color.green(0.7)],
["Stop", Color.white, Color.red(0.7)]
// clones window
cloneButton = Button(w, 50 @ 20);
cloneButton.states = [
["Clone", Color.black, Color.green(0.7)]
cloneButton.action = {
killButton = Button(w, 50 @ 20);
killButton.states = [
["Kill All", Color.black, Color.green(0.7)]
killButton.action = {
startButton.action = {|view|
var args;
if (view.value == 1) {
// start sound
params.do { |param, i|
args = args.add(param);
args = args.add(sliders[i].value)
node = Synth("SawNoiseLP", args.postcs, g, addAction: 'addToTail');
} {
// set gate to zero to cause envelope to release
node = nil;
// create controls for all parameters
sliders = params.collect { |param, i|
EZSlider(w, 650 @ 20, param, specs[i],
{|ez| node.set( param, ez.value )})
Color.grey(0.7),Color.grey, Color.white, Color.yellow);
w.drawFunc = {
10.do ({|i|
Pen.strokeColor = Color.red;
Pen.moveTo(margin @ 0);
Pen.lineTo(margin + (i * xGrid) @ 0 );
Pen.lineTo(margin + (i * xGrid) @ 180);
10.do ({|i|
Pen.strokeColor = Color.blue;
Pen.moveTo(margin + blueGridOffset @ 0);
Pen.lineTo(margin + blueGridOffset + (i * xGrid) @ 0 );
Pen.lineTo(margin + blueGridOffset + (i * xGrid) @ 180);
// set start button to zero upon a cmd-period
cmdPeriodFunc = { startButton.value = 0; };
// stop the sound when window closes and remove cmdPeriodFunc.
w.onClose = {
node.free; node = nil;