Minimizing CPU usage of a modal synthesis-based SynthDef

Hi Everyone!

I’ve been working on some modal synthesis in supercollider lately, both as part of a larger project, and to teach myself. One SynthDef I have written is below. It’s a very typical circular membrane model based on bessel funtions, but it’s pretty big. I know that being generally computationally expensive is part of the nature of modal synthesis, but I’d appreciate any tips and advice y’all have regarding ways to minimize my CPU usage in this particular example or in general.

Thanks for your time!

SynthDef(\circularMembrane, {
	// Standard values
	out = 0, freq = 160, amp = 0.5, att = 0.0001, hold = 0, dec = 0.05, rel = 4, pan = 0, crv = 0,
	// Other controls
	decCoef = 0.5, position = 0.8, slope = 0.5, thumpAmp = 0.7, thumpDec = 0.2;

	var exciter, freqArray, ampRowArray, ampArray, decArray, snd;

	// From a Bessel Funtion solver in matlab, normalized to 1 at freqArray[0][1]
	freqArray = [
		[ 0.6276, 1,      1.3403, 1.6651, 1.9804, 2.2892, 2.5931, 2.8933,
		  3.1905, 3.4852, 3.7778, 4.0686, 4.3579, 4.6458, 4.9325, 5.2182 ],
		[ 1.4406, 1.8309, 2.1967, 2.5474, 2.8877, 3.2201, 3.5465, 3.8681,
		  4.1855, 4.4996, 4.8108, 5.1194, 5.4258, 5.7301, 6.0328, 6.3338 ],
		[ 2.2585, 2.6551, 3.0326, 3.3967, 3.7509, 4.0974, 4.4377, 4.7727,
		  5.1033, 5.4302, 5.7538, 6.0745, 6.3927, 6.7085, 7.0223, 7.3342 ],
		[ 3.0774, 3.4772, 3.8615, 4.234, 4.5974, 4.9534, 5.3033, 5.648,
		  5.9882, 6.3246, 6.6575, 6.9873, 7.3144, 7.6391, 7.9615, 8.2818 ],
		[ 3.8967, 4.2985, 4.6872, 5.0655, 5.4354, 5.7984, 6.1555, 6.5075,
          6.8551, 7.1988, 7.539, 7.8761, 8.2104, 8.5422, 8.8716, 9.1988 ],
		[ 4.7162, 5.1194, 5.5111, 5.8936, 6.2685, 6.6368, 6.9995, 7.3573,
		  7.7108, 8.0605, 8.4067, 8.7497, 9.0899, 9.4276, 9.7628, 10.0958 ],
		[ 5.5358, 5.9399, 6.334, 6.7198, 7.0984, 7.471, 7.8382, 8.2007,
		  8.5591, 8.9136, 9.2648, 9.6128, 9.9581, 10.3007, 10.6409, 10.9789 ],
		[ 6.3555, 6.7603, 7.1562, 7.5445, 7.9262, 8.3022, 8.6732, 9.0396,
          9.402, 9.7607, 10.1161, 10.4684, 10.8179, 11.1649, 11.5094, 11.8517 ],
		[ 7.1753, 7.5807, 7.978, 8.3683, 8.7525, 9.1314, 9.5054, 9.8752,
		  10.241, 10.6033, 10.9623, 11.3183, 11.6715, 12.0222, 12.3706, 12.7167 ],
		[ 7.995, 8.4009, 8.7993, 9.1914, 9.5777, 9.959, 10.3357, 10.7082,
          11.077, 11.4424, 11.8046, 12.1638, 12.5203, 12.8744, 13.226, 13.5755 ],
		[ 8.8148, 9.221, 9.6205, 10.0139, 10.4021, 10.7854, 11.1643, 11.5394,
          11.9107, 12.2788, 12.6438, 13.0059, 13.3653, 13.7223, 14.0769, 14.4294 ],
		[ 9.6346, 10.0412, 10.4414, 10.8361, 11.2257, 11.6108, 11.9918, 12.3689,
		  12.7426, 13.113, 13.4805, 13.8451, 14.2072, 14.5668, 14.9241, 15.2793 ],
		[ 10.4545, 10.8612, 11.2622, 11.6579, 12.0489, 12.4356, 12.8183, 13.1973,
		  13.573, 13.9455, 14.3152, 14.6821, 15.0465, 15.4085, 15.7683, 16.1259 ],
		[ 11.2743, 11.6813, 12.0829, 12.4795, 12.8716, 13.2597, 13.6439, 14.0246,
		  14.4021, 14.7766, 15.1482, 15.5172, 15.8837, 16.2479, 16.6099, 16.9697 ],
		[ 12.0941, 12.5013, 12.9034, 13.3009, 13.694, 14.0833, 14.4689, 14.8512,
		  15.2303, 15.6064, 15.9799, 16.3507, 16.7192, 17.0853, 17.4493, 17.8112 ],
		[ 12.914, 13.3214, 13.7239, 14.1221, 14.5162, 14.9065, 15.2933, 15.677,
		  16.0575, 16.4353, 16.8103, 17.1829, 17.5531, 17.921, 18.2869, 18.6507 ],

	// An approximation that I guessed at for each mode's amplitude, depending on
	// where on the drum it was hit, with position = 0 at the center and
	// position = 1 at the edge of the membrane.
	ampRowArray = Array.fill(16, {
		arg i;
		if (i == 0)
			{ thumpAmp }
		        (1 - (2 * (4 * i) * sin(pi/(2 * i))/(3 * pi))) *
			        	((4 * i) * sin(pi/(2 * i))/(3 * pi)).pow(2) -
		                ((4 * i) * sin(pi/(2 * i))/(3 * pi))
	            ) *
			        position.pow(3) - position +
			        	(position - position.pow(2)) *
			            ((3 * ((4 * i) * sin(pi/(2 * i))/(3 * pi)).pow(2)) - 1)/
			            ((2 * ((4 * i) * sin(pi/(2 * i))/(3 * pi))) - 1)
	ampArray = Array.fill2D(16, 16, {
		arg i, j;
		if (freqArray[i][j] > 20000)
	    	{ 0 }
		        cos(pi * position * ((2 * i) + 1)/2) * ampRowArray[j]

	// Quick decay time approximation
	decArray = Array.fill2D(16, 16, {
		arg i, j;
			if (j == 0)
		        { thumpDec }
		        { 1 }
		) *
		exp(-1 * (i + j) * decCoef)

	// Exciter
	exciter = Env.linen(
		attackTime: att,
		sustainTime: hold,
		releaseTime: dec,
		level: 0.01,
		curve: crv).ar;

	// Bank of resonators
	snd = Array.fill(16, {
		arg i;
	[freqArray[i], ampArray[i], decArray[i]]),
		        input: exciter,
		        freqscale: freq,
		        decayscale: rel

	// Output stuff
	snd = * amp;
	snd =; snd, doneAction: 2);,, pan));
metadata: (credit: "Josh Mitchell 2020")
// Example Sound:
// Synth(\circularMembrane, [position: rrand(0.55, 0.9)]);

Might save a few cycles by using Klank instead of DynKlank if you’re not going to modulate the params…

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Also look at optimizing some of these math expressions. For example (and this is a simple one), position is control rate, so pi * position is a kr binary op UGen… times a static number (second binary op UGen) and times yet another static number – so you have 3 BinaryOpUGens. But you could write (pi * ((2 * i) + 1)/2) * ampRowArray[j]) * position – the entire first () group collapses to one static number, so you get the same result but only one BinaryOpUGen. 16x16 is 256, so if you save 2 UGens for most of these, you could cut probably 500 UGens in that one block.


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awesome tip. wonder if a little some intelligent parsing could do the simplest of these optimizations automatically? a tip in the docs on the section re: order of operations could also be helpful if not there already!

Great job. It really sounds close to a Timpani.

Using Klank instead of DynKlank made it to go from 5% CPU to 1.5% CPU on each stroke. With these settings.

// Example Sound:
Synth(\circularMembrane, [
position: rrand(0.05, 0.9),
decCoef: 0.02,
slope: 0.1,
thumpAmp: 0.9,
thumpDec: 0.2

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James McCartney tried once (see the now inactive method constantFolding) but unfortunately that attempt failed: it broke a standard FM synthesis formula.

It’s a nice idea but it’s harder than you think.


most things seem to be I’m afraid!

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Not directly related, but there is also:

it’s harder, then you think

but also:

it’s harder when you think

Thanks for the great help everyone!