Mitola - MIcroTOnal LAnguage

Mitola is a new quark I made to experiment with microtonal music. It is close in spirit to Panola, a quark for more traditional music composition.

Pretty much like in Panola, you write a score (but using integer scale degrees instead of notenames) and you can attach all kinds of properties to the notes (a pitch modifier (think: accidental), an equave (think: octave), a duration, and basically any property you can think of like “amp” or “legato” or whatever you fancy - all these properties end up in the Pbind pattern that is derived from the score.

When it’s time to realize the score as a pattern, you need to pass in a tuning (i.e. the contents of a scala file, or a filename pointing to a valid .scl file) and a root frequency (since that is not part of the scala definition). Mitola comes with a RootFrequencyCalculator utility which calculates the root frequency to pin a given mitola note in a given equave (possibly with pitch modifier) to any desired frequency.

Mitola code can be found on GitHub - shimpe/mitola: supercollider quark for microtonal music composition; microtonal counterpart to panola

Mitola depends on another quark for specifying parsers: GitHub - shimpe/scparco: Quark providing parser combinators for supercollider
It’s the first real-life project made with scparco and as such was very useful to see where scparco still had gaps.

Here’s a wacky chip tune I quickly gobbled together using Mitola and some tuning dividing the octave in 10 steps I took from the scl tuning archive (code in the mitola examples): Vocaroo | Online voice recorder

The Mitola quark has documentation and some examples for you to play with.


Hello, I have tried to install youe mitola as follows:


but sclang returns the following error (I sucssesfully installed Panola and Scparco):

Installing mitola
ERROR: Message 'version' not understood.
Instance of String {    (0x12aa76248, gc=2C, fmt=07, flg=10, set=02)
  indexed slots [32]
      0 : M
      1 : i
      2 : c
      3 : r
      4 : o
      5 : t
      6 : o
      7 : n
      8 : a
      9 : l
     10 :  
     11 : c
     12 : o
     13 : u
     14 : n
     15 : t
     16 : e
     17 : r
     18 : p
     19 : a
     20 : r
     21 : t
     22 :  
     23 : t
     24 : o
     25 :  
     26 : P
     27 : a
     28 : n
     29 : o
     30 : l
     31 : a
Instance of String {    (0x12aa76ca8, gc=2C, fmt=07, flg=10, set=02)
  indexed slots [5]
      0 : 0
      1 : .
      2 : 0
      3 : .
      4 : 1
		arg this = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
		arg this = nil
		arg error = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
		arg this = <instance of Thread>
		arg error = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
		arg this = <instance of DoesNotUnderstandError>
		arg this = "Microtonal counterpart to Pa..."
		arg selector = 'version'
		arg args = [*1]
	< closed FunctionDef >  (no arguments or variables)
		arg this = <instance of Quark>
		var qfp = "/Users/prko/Library/Applicat..."
		var result = nil
		arg this = <instance of Quark>
		arg this = <instance of Quark>
		var isCompatible = true
		arg this = <instance of Meta_Quarks>
		arg quark = <instance of Quark>
		var deps = nil
		var incompatible = <instance of Function>
		var prev = nil
		arg this = <instance of Meta_Quarks>
		arg name = ""
		arg refspec = nil
		var path = nil
		var quark = <instance of Quark>
		arg this = <instance of Interpreter>
		var res = nil
		var func = <instance of Function>
		var code = "Quarks.install("https://gith..."
		var doc = nil
		var ideClass = <instance of Meta_ScIDE>
		arg this = <instance of Main>
^^ ERROR: Message 'version' not understood.
RECEIVER: Microtonal counterpart to Panola

You are right, there was a missing comma in the .quark file. I fixed it now (and tried it out :slight_smile: ). I’m sorry for the inconvencience (oh, and you don’t need Panola for Mitola to work - both look and feel very similar but as it stands they don’t share any code.)

enjoyed the tune! And I think scparco is oh so useful thx.

1 Like

Hi, I got the following error when installing your Quark by evaluating the code above:

Installing Mitola
Installing scparco
ERROR: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting '}'
  in interpreted text
  line 2 char 8:

    name : "Scparco",
    summary: "Quark to simplify parsing text",
ERROR: Command line parse failed
WARNING: Failed to parse /Users/prko/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/scparco/scparco.quark
WARNING: Tag not found: Quark: scparco[tags0.0.3] tags0.0.3 
 Possible tags: [ 0.0.1, 0.0.2, 0.0.3 ]
ERROR: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting '}'
  in interpreted text
  line 2 char 8:

    name : "Scparco",
    summary: "Quark to simplify parsing text",
ERROR: Command line parse failed
WARNING: Failed to parse /Users/prko/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/scparco/scparco.quark
Adding path: /Users/prko/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/scparco
scparco installed
Adding path: /Users/prko/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/Mitola
Mitola installed
-> Quark: Mitola[0.0.6]

Aaarrgh I changed something last night without testing because I fell asleep :slight_smile:
Please remove the downloaded quarks and try again. It should work now.

Note that upgrading will not work because of a bug in the quarks system where the “master” branch name is hardcoded, whereas github nowadays uses “main” as default branch name. (It’s logged as bug #6071 already).

1 Like

I removed two folders which are installed by previous installation and reinstalled. Now, I get the following error:

Installing Mitola
Installing scparco
ERROR: syntax error, unexpected ':', expecting '}'
  in interpreted text
  line 2 char 8:

    name : "Scparco",
    summary: "Quark to simplify parsing text",
ERROR: Command line parse failed
WARNING: Failed to parse /Users/prko/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/scparco/scparco.quark
scparco installed
Mitola installed
-> Quark: Mitola[0.0.6]

I’m sorry but I cannot reproduce this error. I just now retried here, and for me it just works:

Installing Mitola
Installing scparco
scparco installed
Mitola installed
-> Quark: Mitola[0.0.6]
1 Like

Could there still be a trace of an old version on your system?
I had to delete the Mitola and scparco folders from

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I changed the brace pair { and } in the following file to round parenthesis pair ( and ).

~/Library/Application Support/SuperCollider/downloaded-quarks/scparco/scparco.quark

Now it works.

Hi, you were right, the brackets were wrong.
I just cannot understand why I didn’t get any errors…
Anyway, it should be really fixed now.
Thanks for the bug report!

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