Hello,g thanks)
I got so far with the help of jaxas livecoding tutorials on Youtube:
~fm = {
var frq = \freq.kr(110);
var mod = SinOsc.ar(frq*\modP.kr(1.33) ,0, frq*\index.kr(1));
Mix.new(SinOsc.ar(frq + mod, 0, 0.1))*Env.perc(0.01, \rel.kr(0.1)).ar(2);
~fm[10] = \filter -> {|in| CombN.ar(in, 0.6, \del.kr(0.3), 5, 0.5);};
~t1 = Tdef(\t1,
loop{~fm.spawn([\modP, {1 + 5.0.rand}, \index, {1 + 3.0.rand}, \rel, {0.8.rand}]);
(0.01 + 1.0.rand).wait;
How can I "spawn " the delay function in ~fm[10]?
Big thanks to all who give so generous advise!