mouseOverAction and UserView

mouseOverAction does not seem to fire for UserViews. Is that by design or a bug?

For example:

var win = View()

var w1 = UserView()
.drawFunc_({arg view;
Pen.fillRect(Rect(0, 0, 100, 100));
// this never posts

var w2 = UserView()
.drawFunc_({arg view;
Pen.fillRect(Rect(0, 0, 100, 100));



To answer my own question…

From the documentation for mouseOverAction:
“The object is evaluated only when Window: -acceptsMouseOver of the containing Window (or -acceptsMouseOver of the top View) is true.”

I guess this is true for all views not just UserViews.

The mouseOverAction must be allowed in the View instance.
Please refer to
and find .acceptsMouseOver

var win = View()

var w1 = UserView()
.drawFunc_{ arg view;
Pen.fillRect(Rect(0, 0, 100, 100));
.mouseOverAction_{ arg view, x, y;

var w2 = UserView()
.mouseUpAction_{ arg view, x, y, modifiers, buttonNumber;
.drawFunc_({arg view;
Pen.fillRect(Rect(0, 0, 100, 100));



You may need the position of mouse pointer and others as follows:

var win = View()

var w1 = UserView()
.drawFunc_{ arg view;
Pen.fillRect(Rect(0, 0, 100, 100));
.mouseOverAction_{ arg view, x, y;
	[view, "w1", x, y].postln;

var w2 = UserView()
.mouseUpAction_{ arg view, x, y, modifiers, buttonNumber;
	[view, "w2", x, y, modifiers, buttonNumber].postln;
.drawFunc_({arg view;
Pen.fillRect(Rect(0, 0, 100, 100));



One more thing:
the quotation marks in your code are not the quotation marks used in sclang.

“w2”.postln; // this is your code, and this is not correctly accepted by sclang.
"w2".postln; // this is accepted correctly by sclang.
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Thanks. I did find that documentation. I really wasn’t expecting something like that to be the case. I think the quotes were formatted by this forum software somehow since I just cut and pasted from the SC IDE.

Let’s see if formatting it as preformatted text resolves the problem:

this is preformatted text "w2"

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Thank you!
a blank line between the two text types is required!