Multiple PlayBufs overloading

What is the most pleasing way to keep PlayBuf from distorting if you play chords or play the same sound like a poly synth, etc. I find if I play a bunch of notes and they build up I get distortion.

Any help is appreciated

All of my live coding instruments start with amp: 0.5 in the event parameters – -6 dB.

Then the signal goes through a MixerChannel where most of them have an initial level of -12 dB – so right off the top I’m cutting it down by 18 dB, leaving 1/8 of the amplitude. (Actually the MixerChannel panner loses another 3 dB in center position, so it’s ending up below 1/10 amplitude.)

That’s been plenty of headroom for me. If the output is too quiet for a particular venue’s sound system, it’s easy to amplify at the end. And a recording can be post-processed in a DAW for volume.

If you’re not leaving any headroom then distortion is pretty much guaranteed.


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Thank you, I thought maybe there would be some trick. But its old fashioned audio common sense