Hello there,
the Mi-Braids UGen accepts only midinotes as input,
since I’m working in ET53 & other non standard tunings,with 432 Hz as reference freq
I realized using \midinotes in Pbinds will give me 440Hz as reference freq
now, converting with cpsmidi / midicps , which are based on ET12 , won"t work either …
Would someone be willing to change the input in the open source code of Mutable Instruments
to frequency & port it to SC? Or can you comment on how complex/easy that would be for a novice in cpp or c …
In all other SynthDefs that just use frequency as input, i use this (if i would have to be using midi, i prefer, degrees, freqs):
freq = 432 * (2 ** ((midinote - 69) / 53));
sig = SinOsc.ar(freq, 0, amp)!2;
to have my reference freq 432 as midi note 69 … which works brilliantly
but in this MI-Ugen case it won’t work for obvious reasons: 432 as midinote = a NO-GO !
I realise there is a stepsPerOctave arg in the Pbind class
but i’m not sure how that relates to midinotes (i think that’s of no influence)
& that it’s more related with degrees, scale , tuning … which again is of no influence on midiinput
by Mi-Braids UGen , i guess …
== apart from Mi-Ugens with midi input,
is there someone who knows exactly how
to manage/surf in ET53 with steps per octave, degrees, notes, scale, tuning ?
in Pbinds … i’m actually trying to build some scales from pitch class intervals
as suggested by acreil in his comments of his youtube EDO xxx compositions …
" the idea = a computational search for consonant n- note scales, which can then be connected into scale networks (as in Dmitri Tymoczko’s work). I wrote a number of Octave scripts to do this. First, all possible scales are found, then most are eliminated based on step size constraints and calculated total dissonance. The idea is to find the “useful” scales that can be made in any arbitrary equal temperament. Here I’m using 568 scales out of a total of 433160. "
no idea how to do a computational elimination (well, i wrote a little Python script to find all possible
n-note scales in ET53, based on pitch class intervals) & obtain a scale network that endlessly navigates on the waves of bliss frequencies _ _ _