Something I’ve wanted for awhile: An analog to Max’s [speedlim] object.
Use case: Say you’re getting 50 OSC messages per second but you want to respond no more often than 10 times per second.
Old way: Maybe SkipJack, but that always quantizes time and may fire the action redundantly.
New way: OSCFunc(SpeedLim(0.1, { |msg| ... do stuff ... }))
. No fuss, no muss – the SpeedLim substitutes in place of the action function (any action function – GUIs, MIDI, OSC, HID, …).
var uv, synth, resp, j = 0, speedlim;
w = Window("SpeedLim",
Rect.aboutPoint(, 200, 200)
w.layout = VLayout(
uv = UserView().background_(Color(0.1, 0.1, 0.4))
w.onClose = {; };
// high-rate transmission of mouse data (50x per second)
s.waitForBoot {
synth = {
var trig =;
var mouse =, 1, 0, 0), trig);, '/mouseY', mouse);
// Receive them all, but consume them more slowly.
// SpeedLim is 'value'd 50x per second
// but fires its own action no sooner than 0.15 seconds.
// Note that the arguments passed into SpeedLim's function
// are the same as those passed to the OSCFunc function
// (so all data given to OSCFunc are available downstream).
resp = OSCFunc(
func: SpeedLim(0.15, { |msg, time, addr|
[msg, time, addr].postln;
j = msg[3];
// SpeedLim on AppClock saves you from 'defer'!
}, AppClock),
path: '/mouseY',
srcID: s.addr
uv.drawFunc = { |view|
var b = view.bounds.moveTo(0, 0);
b.width * j * 0.5,
b.height * j * 0.5
Currently: Quarks.install("")
– eventually that will be just Quarks.install("ddwSpeedLim")
but I only just requested it to be added to the main directory.