No sound input on macOS Big Sur via SC 3.13.0-rc1

I am currently unable to get any sound input in SC ( SuperCollider 3.13.0-rc1) under macOS Big Sur. When I select Show Server Meter Inputs from the Server menu there is no respons in the meter to tapping on the chassis of the Macbook. I have been looking for information about this issue in the docs and have not found any solutions. Any help would be appreciated.

Hmm this appears to be a macOS issue, will look on StackExchange for an answer but if anyone else has solved this I would be interested to hear what they did!

This sounds like, at some point, permission to use the microphone may have been declined. Under System Settings, search for Privacy for the microphone. You should see SuperCollider listed there. If it IS on… toggle it off, restart SC and boot the server. The system may then ask permission. If it doesn’t, quit sc again, toggle it back on in System Settings, then restart SC / scsynth and check again.

OMG, Josh, this was exactly the issue (I never gave SC access to the mic). Thank you so much!

rad - glad that worked

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