[Notice] Action required: Branch renaming

Hey all,

The “master” branches in all SuperCollider organization repositories have now been renamed to “main”. This change affects all 21 repositories listed here: SuperCollider · GitHub. This does not affect Quarks or the SuperCollider Quarks · GitHub organization.

Action may be required on your part as a result of this change.

If you have forked any of these repositories on GitHub, you will be able to update by performing the same renaming operation on your own repository via the GitHub UI: go to your repo, click “branches”, click the pencil icon next to the “master” branch to rename, and set the name to “main”.

If you have cloned any of these repositories locally, you will be able to follow these steps to update your branch. Note that the GitHub UI also shows a reminder with similar instructions, but need to be adapted slightly if you’ve named your SuperCollider remote “upstream”.

# move the master branch to main
git branch -m master main

# check the name of your SuperCollider remote -- it is likely either "upstream" or
# "origin"; use this in the next commands in place of "<remote-name>".
git config branch.main.remote

# fetch changes from upstream
git fetch <remote-name>

# set the correct upstream branch
git branch -u <remote-name>/main main

# update your local reference for the SuperCollider remote
git remote set-head <remote-name> -a

This has no impact on git submodules under ordinary usage. If you are doing development work in a submodule, you will need to repeat the steps there as well.

If you encounter any problems, please report them on the GitHub issue tracker: https://github.com/supercollider/issues.
