NRT CTK envelope size problem


I am rendering in NRT a CTK score.
The inputs of the synthdefs are envelopes and the score has many of them. If the number of points of the envelopes are more than 30 I get “buffer overflow” messages and the score is not rendered. Is there a way to resolve this?

Is it possible to add more points on each envelope?

If that is not possible, if let’s say I want to supply an envelope that has 90 points, how could I supply a sequence of envelopes sized 30-30-30 on the same synthdef?

I was thinking a behavior similar to a Pseq:

Pseq([Pseq([]), Pseq([]), Pseq([])])

could an envelope do something similar?

The problem I am facing is that I do not want to release the instance of the synth, I want to supply the sequence of the envelopes on the same synthdef instance if that makes sense…

Thank you!!

Can you send a small example showing the error?

Josh Parmenter

Hi Josh!

thank you for the reply and sorry for the delay, it took me some time to simplify the problem to an example.
I have a synthdef that is controlled by 18 envelopes. when the envelopes have many control points I cannot render the score. To illustrate the issue i just placed 18 SinOsc inside a synthdef that are controlled by 18 envelopes.

~size={rrand(200,500)}! 28131;;;{|i,index|
  ~time=~time.add( rrand(1,20.0));
  ~time4Env=~time4Env.add( rrand(0.0001,20))});


var pnotes, group, playsin;
var score, now;
var options;

options =
.memSize_((32768 * 60).nextPowerOfTwo)
.maxNodes_((32768 * 90).nextPowerOfTwo)
.numControlBusChannels_((~size.size * 60).nextPowerOfTwo);

s.options = options;


score =;

pnotes = CtkProtoNotes(
  SynthDef(\sin, {arg buffer, freq= 1, freq1= 1,freq2= 1,freq3= 1,freq4= 1,freq5= 1,freq6= 1,freq7= 1,freq8= 1,freq9= 1,freq10= 1,freq11= 1,freq12= 1,freq13= 1,freq14= 1,freq15= 1,freq16= 1,freq17= 1,freq18= 1,amp,pan,outbus,duration;
  	var, 1));,
  			((, mul: amp), mul: amp), mul: amp), mul: amp), mul: amp), mul: amp), mul: amp), mul: amp), mul: amp), mul: amp), mul: amp), mul: amp), mul: amp), mul: amp), mul: amp), mul: amp), mul: amp), mul: amp), mul: amp))/18) * envperc * 0.2, pan));

playsin= {arg starttime, duration, freqenv,freqenv1,freqenv2,freqenv3,freqenv4,freqenv5,freqenv6,freqenv7,freqenv8,freqenv9,freqenv10,freqenv11,freqenv12,freqenv13,freqenv14,freqenv15,freqenv16,freqenv17,freqenv18,ampenv, panenv,buss;
  var note, now, ratio, rate;
  var size=i;
  var time=({rrand(0.1,1.0)}!(size-1));
  var timesum= (time.sum );
  var start=(~time4Env[index]);
  var freqenv = Env(((({rrand(300,1000.0)}!(size)))),time,\lin);
  var freqenv1 = Env(((({rrand(300,1000.0)}!(size)))),time,\lin);
  var freqenv2 = Env(((({rrand(300,1000.0)}!(size)))),time,\lin);
  var freqenv3 = Env(((({rrand(300,1000.0)}!(size)))),time,\lin);
  var freqenv4 = Env(((({rrand(300,1000.0)}!(size)))),time,\lin);
  var freqenv5 = Env(((({rrand(300,1000.0)}!(size)))),time,\lin);
  var freqenv6 = Env(((({rrand(300,1000.0)}!(size)))),time,\lin);
  var freqenv7 = Env(((({rrand(300,1000.0)}!(size)))),time,\lin);
  var freqenv8 = Env(((({rrand(300,1000.0)}!(size)))),time,\lin);
  var freqenv9 = Env(((({rrand(300,1000.0)}!(size)))),time,\lin);
  var freqenv10 = Env(((({rrand(300,1000.0)}!(size)))),time,\lin);
  var freqenv11 = Env(((({rrand(300,1000.0)}!(size)))),time,\lin);
  var freqenv12 = Env(((({rrand(300,1000.0)}!(size)))),time,\lin);
  var freqenv13 = Env(((({rrand(300,1000.0)}!(size)))),time,\lin);
  var freqenv14 = Env(((({rrand(300,1000.0)}!(size)))),time,\lin);
  var freqenv15 = Env(((({rrand(300,1000.0)}!(size)))),time,\lin);
  var freqenv16 = Env(((({rrand(300,1000.0)}!(size)))),time,\lin);
  var freqenv17 = Env(((({rrand(300,1000.0)}!(size)))),time,\lin);
  var freqenv18 = Env(((({rrand(300,1000.0)}!(size)))),time,\lin);
  var ampenv = Env(((({rrand(0.001,1.0)}!(size))/10)),time,\sin);
  var panenv = Env((({rrand(-1.0,1.0)}!(size))),time,\sin);
  playsin.value(start, timesum, freqenv,freqenv1,freqenv2,freqenv3,freqenv4,freqenv5,freqenv6,freqenv7,freqenv8,freqenv9,freqenv10,freqenv11,freqenv12,freqenv13,freqenv14,freqenv15,freqenv16,freqenv17,freqenv18, ampenv, panenv);

score.write("~/Desktop/nrt_test.aiff".standardizePath, sampleRate:44100, sampleFormat:"float", options: options);


Hope this will demonstrate the issue, if not let me know what other information you would like me to post.
Thank you!!

PS: Around 1-2 years ago, you had helped me with some NRT CTK issues and I wanted to say that I am really grateful for your help ( to show the problem i am having now, I did a variation of a previous code you had posted)!!