nuPG: How to install?

Fantastic. Many thanks, @marcin_pietruszewski! It’s (mostly) working for me now.

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Hi, I’m totally new to SC and I can’t install the nuPG. I made all the 1-9 passages indicated here but when I run ‘nuPG_1.0_startUp.scd’ all I can see is the code but not the GUI. Maybe the problem is the Conductor? I also tried to install it manually using the “Language/Quarks/Install a folder” option but it doesn’t work anyway. Any suggestions?

All the best,

Hi! Been really digging the recordings made with nuPG but I’m having problems making sound with it:
I get the GUI and the server up nice and everything but when I try to press the “>” after drawing in the instructed arrays to make some sound, it throws an error: “Message ‘at’ not understood”. Is it possible that the program cannot run on Catalina, which is unfortunately the newest possible OS for my hunk of aluminum?

thank you so much for sharing nuPG !

i am missing the wavelet ugens DWT and IDWT.

where can i find them ?

are the wavelet ugens out there for m2 chips?

Wavelets seem to be handled as this mysterious thing solving all your DSP dreams. i don’t think so An Intro to Wavelets for Computer Musicians | Nathan Ho