Dear SuperCollider artists,
Toplap Düsseldorf invites you to become part of the Coding Islands Community Event.
From 15.03. - 25.05.2025, the Kunsthalle Düsseldorf in Germany is showing the group exhibition „Und wir fangen gerade erst an“. More than 250 artists from the VdDK 1844, one of the oldest artists’
associations in Germany, will be showing current positions in painting, graphic art, sculpture,
photography and media art. Toplap Düsseldorf has been invited to accompany the exhibition
with a LiveCoding event on Saturday, 22.03.2025. We would like to use this unique opportunity for a special community event.
The Coding Islands offer visitors an interactive, explorative insight into the world of live
coding. Five islands are positioned in the Kunsthalle as part of the current exhibition. They
stand freely in the space and are accessible to the public from all sides. The volume is
reduced to the immediate surroundings of each island. Like an exhibit, visitors can approach
these islands to explore them.
Each island consists of a table and a chair, a 12-inch monitor (4:3, HDMI) and a pair of small
speakers. Larger monitors or projections are not possible due to the exhibits on display.
Four performances per island are planned, each lasting 30 minutes.
Whether you’re coding from Scratch or preparing something, whether you’re just starting out
or have been at it for a while, whether you’re from Düsseldorf or traveling from further away -
everyone is welcome to take part in this community event.
Register now for one of the twenty performance slots:
Please provide us with the following information
Artist name / Performance title, if any / Where are you from? / What are you planning? /
You will find all detailed information about this event in the attached document.
Please note that we unfortunately do not have a budget for travel expenses support or even the payment of fees. If this does not deter you, we would be very happy to help you find the cheapest possible accommodation in Düsseldorf.
Best wishes,
Markus and Axel